Fourty Six

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5 hours later

"H..hurts" Magnus mumbles, starting to wake.

Alec stood up from his seat where he and Catraina were talking and hurried to his husband who shot up in a full awake state and groaned aloud in pain.

Alec held Magnus in his arms, soothing him.

"It hurts!" Magnus cries squeezing Alecs hand tight and breathing rapidly.

"I know honey, its almost over" Alec coos burying his nose in Magnus' hair which was damp with sweat.

Magnus sobs in pain until it faded.

He fell against Alec panting and shut his eyes in exhaustion.

"You okay baby? " Alec asks.

Magnus shook his head "I want him out"

Alec kissed Magnus on the forehead "I know baby ,I know"

Catraina came strolling over then slipping on gloves and unwrapping a stick to check Magnus.

"Im going to see how far along you are alright Magnus I need you to lie down" she says sitting on a stool in front of him.

Magnus did as told but till gripped Alecs hand.

Catraina spread his legs apart and rolled up his gown.

"Bend your knees honey and relax, your tense" Catraina says.

Magnus does as told and Catraina pokes inside of him.

Magnus closed his eyes, he was absolutely exhausted, so exhausted he didn't think he had enough energy to push Milo out.

"Your 3 centimeters Magnus, your progressing slowly, do you want to get up and walk around?" She asks.

Magnus shook his head, "im sleepy" Magnus yawns.

"Itll help you progress faster honey." She said.

But it was too late, he was already asleep.
"Why are you picking us up and not dad?" Kennedy growls slumping into the passenger seat of Simons car, Jace was driving instead.

"You seem grumpy, whats wrong? " Jace asks pulling out of the school driveway.

"Mrs. Andrews is biting my ass again" Kennedy sneers.

"Thats upsetting, what happened? " Jace asks as they pull to a stop at a red light.

"I didn't do my homework, I forgot and she flipped."  Kennedy frowned.

"Aw man that sucks, I mean people forget, she needs to chill."Jace said.

Kennedy scoffed "damn right she does."

There was silence for a moment before Kennedy broke the silence.

"So why didn't dad pick us up?" She asks.

"Your mother is in labor. " Jace smiled.

"WHAT? He isn't due for another 2 weeks?!" She cried.

"I know, but Catraina told Isabelle that the baby and Magnus are healthy and Magnus is far along enough for the baby to survive outside the womb" he says.

Jace pulled up to the institute and stopped the car.

"Arent we getting Gabe and Abby?" Kennedy asks.

"Izzy got them, she was going to get you too but the passenger seat was broken. " jace says.

Kennedy nods "oh"

They got out of the car and made there way up to the institute.

"you guys hungry?" Izzy asks the two hyper pre teens in her back seat.

"Starved." Gabriel groans.

"thats good because im going through the Macdonalds drive through what would you like?" Isabelle asks.

"Chicken nuggets." Gabriel says.

"Chicken nuggets" Abigail says.

"Alright what would Kennedy like do you know?"

"Salad." The two said at once.

Isabelle laughed at that and pulled into the drive thru.

"Heres your room, theres an old outfit of mine you can put on for tomorrow and a pair of pjs you can wear. If you want a shower theres a bathroom over there. Theres soap and shampoo and fresh towels if you want to take a shower" Clary says.

Kennedy smiles "thanks, a shower sounds nice right now."

Clary smiles back "Alright ill leave you to it." She smiled and left.

Kennedy shut the door behind her and strolled over to the mirror where she magicked off her makeup.

She threw her hair into a messy bun with a yawn and started towards her bed, she needed a nap.

Suddenly, she was pulled back and her mouth was covered.

She tried screaming but her sounds were muffled by the massive hand.

She kicked and flailed her legs trying to escape but she was unsuccessful.

She tried turning to see the face but couldnt.

She tried screamed again and that was when something hit her over the head hard and darkness came blurring sound and light and she was gone.

Hey guys,  im back!

Sorry I was really busy ♥


Who do you guys think grabbed her?

Chapter 47 soon

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now