Chapter 9: Kickback and Relax

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I head out of Blacks place and went to the Trap to find out if Chris drop off his money that he own me.

"wasup Winter" This dude named  Darrell that work for me said as I walked in the door.
"Wasup" i said nodding to him and walked out to this dude named Mike that collect all of the money for me.

"Chris bring his money" I said Mike.
"Yea, here" Mike said handing over the money.
I knew Chris wasn't dumb. He know that I better not have to go looking for him.
Then i look down at my phone. I see I got a text from Black.

Black- Kickback this Tuesday, You still comin

Roman- man idk
Black- Nicole going to be there
Roman- Andd....?
Black- Nigga i know you like her
Roman- if i wanted her ill get her
Black- cocky much, you coming or nah
Roman-nahh I'm not cocky.. But yea ill be there..

-That Tuesday-

"Nicole you ready" Bree said coming into my room fully dress.

"Yea, i guess" I said

We walked out of the apartment. We both looked good. I had on a long sleeves shirt with the back out with some boyfriend jeans and with some sandals. With my hair in a ninja bun. Bree had on all red and white Collar Long Sleeves shirt with some black jeans and some all black huaraches. With her hair in curls.

We leave the apartment and drive to Blacks to house. We walk up to the house and the smell of weed hits us in the face. We walk in to find Brooklyn. We see her sitting on Blacks lap with Raheem and Roman sitting around them.

"Hey Nicki and Bree" Brooklyn smiled and we said hi back and we sat down.

"I'm about to go get something to drink" I told Bree over the music. I got up and when to go get something to drink. I got my drink and when I turned around, I hit someone chest.

"My bad" I said before looking up.

"We've got to stop meeting like this" He said. I looked up and I was Roman. I gave him a little grinned.

"I feel like you doing this on purpose now" I said smiling.

"Naw, it's not even like that" He said licking his lips while defending him self.

"Yea ok" I said laughing.

"How come I've never seen you around Black and Brooklyn" He asked me wondering.

"I not a big party person" I told him truthfully.

"Oh word, I'm not either" He told me smiling.

"Well, I'm about to go over there with them" I sad trying to walk away.

"Hold on" He said grabbing my arm. "Can I get your number". He said smiling, with his gold grill at the bottom of his teeth.

"I don't even know you like that" I said smiling back.

"Well if give me your number you can get to know me" He said smirking. I just laughed.

"Ok give me your phone" I said handing out my hand. I save my number and walked over to Bree and sat down.

"Where's your drink" Bree said curiously.

"I drank it over there" I told her forcing a smile.

"Come on lets dance girls" Brooklyn said pulling us.

We dance on each other then I feel someone grab me. I turn around and it's Roman.


I see Nicole dance and I just couldn't help my self. She was alway bad ever since I seen her the other day. I want to make her.....sht. Im not in to relationship but I want her all to myself. I was going to talk to her at the club but she ran away before I could say something to her. Then I seen her at Black's house and Raheem got a big mouth so I wasn't going to say anything to her there. I seen her by her self today and that was my chances.

"What are you doing" She said turning around smiling at. Dang her smiling beautiful as fck. I can already feel it, this girl is going to be the death of me.

"Just chill" I told gazing at her body. She turn around and dance.


Gun shots rang out. I grab her and brought her in a closet and told her to stay there into I came back.

"Stay here" I told her as her eyes were filled with fear.

"Wait what about my friends"  She asked me

"I'm about to go get them.. you trust me" I told her and grabbed her face to look directly at me, because her closed eyes were closed and  looking down.

"Yea I trust you" She open her eyes and they were glossy. I pulled her face towards me and kiss her forehead.

I run out back out and the front room is empty, I got out side and find Black bending down next to Brooklyn. Fuck, Brooklyn got shot.

"Fuck" Black said under his breath.

"Come on man help me bring her to the car" Black said. I look at Brooklyn and she got shot in her arm.

"Ight" I told him. I help him carry her to the car.

"Black" Brooklyn said in a low voice.

"it's ok baby stay with me" Black told her.

"Where is Raheem" I ask Black.

"He went to go find them niggas that did this " Black told me.

"Ight i'm meet yall at the hospital" I told Black closing the door.

"Ight  man be safe" He told me then drove off fast.

I run back in the house and go get Nicole.

"Come on" I told her. She got up and followed me to my car.

"Where we going" She asked me looking down at the ground.

"Brooklyn in the hospital" I told her

"What why" She said with her eyes glistening.

"She cool she got shot in the arm" I told her.

"Did you see Bree" She said.

"Nah" I told her truthfully.

Where is Bree?

Roman and Nicole and thing?

Who shot Brooklyn?

Roman was feeling Nicole too?

-----SORRY FOR MISTAKE---------
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