Chapter 5

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Byun Baekhyun POV

             I went home after that. If I'm not home, my brother will suspect that I hide something from him. Our parents died when I was 5 that time.

              I walked out from my room after I heard people shouting and shooting. But before I could walk far, someone grabbed me and dragged me to my room. He covered my mouth. I want to shout because I was worried.

" Quiet Baek, they will see us later " is my brother's voice. I heard footsteps come towards us. I don't know what will happen next. My tears already flow.

" Baek, go hide inside that closet. Don't you dare get out until they are gone. Now go " he pushed me to the closet. I looked at him and he smile to me.

              I closed the closet door. I saw people with black masks enter our room from a small hole.  My brother hid under the table. He told me to be quiet. Suddenly they saw my brother. They pushed him to the floor and beat him. I wish I can help him.

            I covered my mouth to prevent from making any sound. I heard a gunshot. I was shocked and I know they shot my brother. After few moment, they gone. I get out from closet. I walked to my brother.
              I took his phone and called an ambulance. I help him to walk downstairs. Different from our age by just 3 years. It was easy for me to carry him. When I walked downstairs, I saw mom and dad laying on the floor and covered with blood.

             I tried to wake them up. But they do not respond to me. Mom and Dad please don't leave me ! I heard an ambulance siren. It means they were here. They took my brother, dad and mom to hospital. When the result came out, I felt very helpless. Mom and Dad left me with only my brother.

//End Flashback//

              Hyung really takes care of me well. He really protects me. But he changed after mom and dad died. Before this, he was known as a good student, always had a good mark but now he changes, he's like a monster. He killed people.

               I have told him to stop doing this but he won't. He will never want to stop. He never involved me in his job but I wonder why this time he involved me ?

"Please, I promise I will do anything you say " he begged my brother. I closed my eyes tightly cause I know what will happen next. //Bang// He laid on the floor with blood covering his body.

" Throw him away and clean this place " he ordered his guy. He walked towards me.

" So bro, have you met her ? " he asked me. I shook my head.

" Damn you, Byun Baekhyun ! I give you easy work only ! Go kidnap her. It's hard ?! " he shouted. It was easy for you to said jerk.

" Remember you still have 58 days more. If you do not get her 3 days before the end date. Just see what I can do to your girlfriend " he threatened me again.

              I left the house and went to the hidden house to meet her. I opened her room door. She was not looking at me. Damn you Baekhyun what you want ? I walked towards her and sat beside her. Is she crying ? I didn't mean to make her cry. Haish.

" Don't cry, Chaeyeon " I said. She wiped her tears after she knew that I saw her cried.

" I'm fine, " she said.

" I let you get out of this room but you can't get out of this house. Please don't ever try to run away if you do you know right I can hurt you ? " she nodded and understood.

"Why do you keep me ? Why don't you just kill or sell me ? " she asked. She asked this again. I really hate hearing those words.

" Can't you stop asking me those questions ?! Why do you keep forcing me to kill you ?! Are you really want to die ?! " it sounds creepy, right ? Damn I don't want to hurt her. I left her in that room without locking the door.

              I sat on the couch in the living room and watched a random movie. I saw she went downstairs. She looked at me and she looked down. She walked to the kitchen. Is she hungry ? My stomach growled. Damn it, why right now ?

               She came to me and gave me a cup of ramen. Well when I lived here, I only eat that. I looked at her confusedly but then my stomach growling again. These are really embarrassed.

" I heard your stomach growling that's why I make for you too " she said and chuckled. I took a cup of ramen from her hand.

" I'm sorry " she apologized and as she was about to walk I grabbed her hand.

" Eat here " I said and pat space beside me. She nodded and understood. Is she afraid with me ? We ate in silence.

" I never think about hurting you so don't worry. Don't you ever ask me that question again " I said in a serious tone.

             When the movie finished, I looked at her. She slept peacefully. She looked beautiful when she was asleep. Baekhyun doesn't tell you that you like this girl. You will put her more in danger if you do. I carried her to my room.

Call from ' Guy (1) '

" They have her mother now " he said.

" What ?! "

What happened to Chaeyeon's mother ? What will Baekhyun do ? Why does Baekhyun treat Chaeyeon like that ?

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