Ch. 1: The Butler's Son

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Chapter 1—The Butler's Son

“Benjamin, when will you be back?” I asked our butler as he finished packing.

“Just for a few weeks. I’ll be back before you know it,” he replied.

“You’re not seriously going to leave me with these people, are you?”

“If by these people you mean your parents, then yes,” he answered, chuckling.

“But you’re the only one in this house who knows what my favorite breakfast is. You’re the only one who automatically knows when I’ve had a bad day. I mean, if you weren’t here, I probably would have had to raise myself.”

“Indeed, I have been working for your family since you were just a toddler, but you understand why I need to leave then, don’t you?”

“Just for a few weeks?”

“Yes, just a few,” he clarified, “Three and not a day more.”

“Well, I guess you do deserve a vacation.”

“I’m glad you’re seeing it my way,” he said.

“So…I guess I’m without a butler for three weeks, though.”

“I made a trade. I did find a temporary replacement for myself,” he informed me.

“Really? Whoever it is, they can’t be like you.”

“Oh definitely not like me, but he might’ve gotten a few of my traits.”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you remember my son, Clark?”

“Clark…Kent?” I asked, hopefully. “Are you, by any chance, related to Superman himself?”

“No, not Clark Kent. Clark Spencer,” he answered, grinning.

“Ah, that Clark. The Clark that I’ve never met because he doesn’t understand how you could work for a family like ours, the Clark that doesn’t understand the joy and pleasures of being part of the upper-class elite families in this world.”

“He’s doing this for me as a favor.”

“He better know how to cook.”

“Trust me, he knows how to cook and clean and—”

“He cooks and cleans? Are you sure he’s not a daughter instead of a son?”

Benjamin gave me a knowing smile. “Do you know how to cook and clean? Should I assume that you’re a son instead of a daughter?”

“Touché,” I replied, crossing my arms.

“That was quite the gender-stereotypical comment. Need I mention that I’m a man who cooks and cleans for you?”

“But that’s different. You’re our butler.”

Benjamin rolled his eyes. “I really must get going now.”

“I’ll see you when you get back then,” I said, hugging him.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure Clark will do a great job at filling my shoes, maybe even better.”

“I doubt it.”

“He’s around your age, you know.”

“So? That just makes it worse.”

“We live in a crazy world. You never know what may happen,” he said, picking up his suitcases.

I followed him downstairs. My parents were waiting by the front door.

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