2 (edited)

624 30 145

drug abuse//

a month ago, michael most of his cocaine, all for 500 dollars. couple days ago , he heard the kid lost his life due to having a heart attack.

michael realized he had stored cocaine somewhere in his apartment, he began to look, and found it.

he sliced it up a little more before plugging one side of his nose and sniffing it, coughing, and repeating.

he soon stopped, after a couple knocks on his door. "its the police!"

"shit!" he whisper-shouted and tried hiding his drugs, then quickly walking to the door. but before opening it he ruffled up his hair, and opened the door with a fake yawn.

"yes sir? sorry i just woke from a nap." he lied through his teeth. the cop squinted at michaels nose, there was a small amount of cocaine on the side of his nostril, the cop knows this is michael clifford. the drug addict and dealer they have been searching for, for months.

"may i come in?" the cop was already inviting himself in michaels small , drug filled apartment. michael nodded and let the cop in, sitting down.

"are you michael clifford?" the cop asked, already taking his gun out.

michael sighed. "no man, havent heard of em." this was it. michael is going to be put in prison for years.

"alright sir. im going to investigate the entire apartment. stay seated." the cop said and searched his house, when the cop walked into his room, michael bolted, at least sort of. he was very dizzy.

michael stumbled towards the elevator and heard the cop behind him. "put your hands up! and get down on the floor!" michael pressed the button probably a hundred fucking times  before it opened. he tripped inside and the cop followed, yet the cop didnt get in, the elevator closed right before.

the elevator came to and end and michael tiptoed out. michael felt a tickle sensation and sneezed, coke now running down his nose. he wiped his nose with his sleeve . still no sign of the police. he heard a gun click.

"bless you." michaels eyes widened.

the cop was standing in front of him, his gun aimed and ready to shoot if michael tried anything.

michael hissed and put his hands behind his back. the cop scoffed and put hand cuffs on him.

the cop pushed michael in the cop car.

michael sighed. "how long am i going to be in jail for?"

"jail? more like prison. id say a few years- with you dealing cocaine, and doing it, and i even saw some fucking heroin. are you trying to kill yourself?" the cop made a swift turn and headed to the police station.

"nah man i live off of that shit. heroin is great."

"its makes you age badly. its very bad health wise for you too." the cop said , pulling into the police station. "youll probably be going to court soon, theyre going to take some drug tests. just letting you know." michael nodded.


lukes head snapped up as michael was thrown into the prison cell.

michael sighed and sat down, eyeing luke. "what got you in here?" luke said to michael.

"why do you want to know?" michael snapped. lukes eyes widened. people are not nice here.

"well i dont know- i just wanted to make some friends. i can tell you what i did.. if that makes you feel better." luke paused and michael nodded, signaling him to continue. "i robbed a bank and killed two people." luke put his head down.

"well mines not as bad as yours- i sold some drugs - im a drug addict." luke nodded at michaels words.

michael took a minute to admire luke. lukes icy blue eyes looked around the room. michael looked at lukes nails, they were painted black, and lukes uniform was clinging to luke, his biceps easily showing because of it.michael would be lying if he said the sight didnt make him semi hard.

luke noticed michaels staring, he walked over to michael and sat maybe a little too close. "so tell me about yourself ." luke said an put his hand on michaels knee

michael tensed at the touch, and moved farther away. " starting off, i aint gay. im 20, i went to college already, i dropped out though. i think thats it." michael huffed.

luke nodded, "lets both ask eachother questions okay?" michael nodded.

"okay , ill start, whats your name?"

"Michael clifford, how old are you luke?"

"im 18, -"

luke was about to say something until security barged in, "time to go outside for an hour , fags. if any fights happen youll most likely get tased. dont fuck up newbies."  the man snapped and grab to twos arms, putting them in line with the rest of the prisoners, and they head outside.

the sun was bright, luke shielded his eyes. he looked over to see a curly haired boy literally dry humping a tan olive skinned boy.

this for an hour. wonderful.

the two boys kissed eachother and touched eachother everywhere, by everywhere, luke really meant everywhere.

michael grimaced and grabbed lukes hand, leading him to a picnic table in the corner of the fenced in yard.

michael couldnt keep his eyes off the two boys kissing, they looked so fucking hot.

he saw the two boys break apart, because they knew michael and luke were staring .

the curly haired and the olive skinned boy headed over to the table that luke and michael were sitting at.

a/n whoo u know michaels story now. ill just post flash backs of how calum and ashton got arrested ok? ok

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