3 (edited)

512 25 38

italics are the flashbacks . enjoy.

this chapter is dedicated to addictsanta cuz they are an active reader (:


enjoy xx


"hey . im calum and this is ashton." the olive skinned boy smiled, his lips still red and swollen from kissing the curly haired boy, who was named ashton.

"im luke and thats michael." luke pointed to michael.

"you guys are new here right? howd you get here?" calum asked.

calums hands shook, his suitcase tightly held in his hands. "it'll be okay. go through security , they wont find it. they wont find it." calums wife assured to him .

calum nodded, he put his items in the boxes, and left his drugs in his suit case. they wont find it. they wont find it. he put his suitcase through security, too.

the machine made a loud beep. calums eyes widened. " you got anything else in there sir?" a large man asked.

calum shook his head. " no sir, maybe the tag signaled it off."

"mind if we check your bag?" the security cocked his eyebrow. calums heart jumped.

"s-sure." he gulped, the man searched through his suit case, calums heart beat sped up. his breathing wasnt paced anymore. it was uneven, his breaths were fast. he was going to run if they found anything.

"huh, seems like youre good, hood." security let calum walk past, and then another security guard patted him down.

calum hood had forgotten about the cocaine he stuffed in his shirt pocket. the man patted along his chest, and the mans hand stopped patting right on calums pocket. calums eyes widened.

"what do we have here?" the man laughed, and retrieved the cocaine from calums pocket. "sir, i think youre under arrest for snuggling drugs. anything you say or do will be held against you in court."

calum is a year into prison. he has a boyfriend named ashton. whos been in jail for 10 years

"i got here from robbing a bank and killing a few people, im sentenced 5 years. michael here is a drug addict, and sold some drugs. hes sentenced for 2 years." luke said, relieved to have made friends.

"i have another year. cheap ass prison. let me tell you that. one kid boiled living fucking humans and got a life time sentence. he was let out due to overcrowding. he was a cannibal too." calum said.

michaels eyes widened at calums words.

"he was sent to a prison in new york. "ashton finally spoke.

"damn." luke was shocked at how evil people could really be. yeah he did kill two people, but damn. eat people? nah.

"alright! time to get inside your cells ! line up." a speaker loudly spoke. the alarm made a 'wooping sound' signaling everyone to line up.

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