He knows

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Donald knows I like him. I don't want to have to explain the whole story, so I'm going to shorten it. So, on Friday Emily went up to him and said, "Are you Donald? Meredith likes you." Then, two of his friends kept walking over to the place our friend "group" waits before school and they said stuff like, "He likes you too," I didn't believe a word they said though. Also, this whole time I was telling them that it wasn't true. Anyway, Fay got to school and I told her what happened and she forced Emily to go tell him something like, "It was a joke and I just did it to make her hate me." I'm not really sure why you'd want your friend to hate you though. By the way I am not mad at her. Sure, in the moment I wanted to die in a hole, and I was mad. However, I'm not anymore. So, I have science with Donald and one of his friends that kept walking over to us, and I sit right next to that kid. I was telling that kid that it wasn't true and all that. And then, that kid screamed, "Meredith likes Donald!" Then, Donald came in and I told him it wasn't true, and he told me that he doesn't like me either and what his friends said isn't true. My mom claims he likes me though, but I highly, highly doubt it. I ended up telling the whole story, but whatever.

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