Need of Suspicion

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Everything went back to normal. There was no need for my family to be in witness protection. We stayed in custody for a few days, but eventually we were let out. The Sherriff's words were, "We haven't seen any threat, but if there is, it's a damn sneaky one." The guys and I started hanging out again, but we didn't hang out as much in Building 3 near as much as we used to. Everything seemed back to normal. It was a Friday night when I heard the news. I headed over to Vik's house after school. We had planned for it to be like this since the beginning of the week. I had stayed about two hours after school. We were walking down when my mom called me. "Get home now," was the first thing she said in a paniced voice. "Mom what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked. She started to calm down and tell me what was going on. "Drew... There has been some murders in places near here. The latest one happened in the exact neighborhood you are in. They... the bodies have your name carved into them..." I sat in silence. I didn't know what to say. Vik looked at me in wonder about what my mom could have told me. I hung up the phone without saying a word. I looked at Viktor and thought for a minute."Load up, get your AK and give me the revolver." I said. I had a plan. "What did your mom say dude?" Vik asked, confused. "Macarov... his people... they're back." Viktor looked at me and knew what my plan was, or the main idea anyway. "We need to get the rest of the guys together," he said. "I have something for you man. I knew this would happen eventually, so I went ahead and ordered it." He pulled out a thin box that was about two feet long. He opened it and pulled out the gun that I have dreamt about having ever since I gained a fascination for them. The FNP90 was my favorite gun ever, and my friend was holding it in front of me. I held it with pride. It was amazing, but I didn't have time to admire it. I called the rest of the guys and told them to bring the gun of their choice. About an hour later, everyone was here, even Alexa, who had an SR9, one of my favored handguns. We all set out for the abandoned buildings, no one was around, so we all found a good lookout spot. Now all we had to do was wait.

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