The Traitor

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I knew they would come for me, because I knew they were watching. We had waited after nightfall until the party finally showed up. We saw them walking down the street, at least twenty of them. One stood out the most, the one who led the entire group. He was about my height of 5'10" but was alot better built. He had at least 180 pounds on him.  "Hello, I am Isaac," was the first thing he said when the group stopped. I could tell he had a very steong russian accent. "I know you have heard of me, so I want you to come on out and we will talk. The only thing we have to discuss is my son, Macarov. I know you did it, and I've been watching you since, and all of your friends, Drew." He then looked directly at me, even though before he was talking to no one in particular. "I have come to make your life a living hell," Isaac said to me. I was scared, terrified even, but I kept my cool as I thought of something to do. "Don't move," I said into my walkie talkie as I got up and slowly walked toward Isaac and his guys. I stood straight up when I looked at him to mask how scared I was. "You are very brave, stepping out here like that boy." He quickly hit me in the stomach and I fell to the ground. He leaned down and whispered, "I'm goin to make you pay." I turned over swiftly and elbowed him in the mouth. He fell to the ground and I raised my gun and aimed it at him. He started to chuckle as he was wiping the blood from his lip. "You are such a fool, boy. You actually trusted these foolish kids to have your back on this? You couldn't have known their secrets, or see through what they have done. You couldn't see through your best freind!" I heard a loud click behind me, and I recognized it has Vik's handgun. "Sorry man, but this group is pretty fucking awesome," he said with a laugh. He grabbed my gun and threw it closer to the group of heavily armed guys. He grabbed my arm and picked me up. He leaned closer to my ear and whispered, "Follow my lead." He drug me over to the middle of the gang and slung me down. My gun was right beside me, so I caught on what Vik was doing. I didn't expect it, but Vik turned on the whole group and opened fire. I scrambled for my gun, and when I reached it, I looked up and saw all of my friends surrounding the group, hosing them down around me. I didn't fire a single shot before they were all dead. Well, all except for one. I saw I saac laying off to the side with a pool of blood around him. He was taking shaky breaths and looked pale in the face. Someone had shot him in the side of his stomach. "So, how does it feel to follow in your sons footsteps?" I said. He couldn't say anything, of course, but I was savoring the moment. I pulled out my sidearm, which was a Colt 1911, and pointed it at him. "I hope you both burn in hell," I said as I pulled the trigger.

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