Chapter 4: A.B

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Chapter 4


Ok so your the unsub what would you do?" Rossi looked up from the blood stain in J.J's room.

"I'd knock the door pretending to be lost. Ask to come in to use your phone" Hotch continued.

"Will said yes let her in. She took out her gun and shot Will once. J.J heard the shot ran out and yelled to Henry to go hide", Hotch let Rossi continue for what he thinks happened next.

"J.J runs gets her gun and manages to take a couple of shots", Rossi pointed out the bullet holes in the wall.

"Tori threatened to murder Henry unless J.J came with her, so she had no choice but to go along with her", Rossi finished up.

"But J.J knew she'd have to eventually give up. Why didn't she leave a clue?" Hotch stared around the room.

"Maybe it's not in here", Rossi walked into her kitchen where her gun holster was.

He put on his blue gloves and lifted the holster up, "Nothing, sorry."

"Try outside", Hotch and Rossi flung the door open and went searching for clues.

"Rossi, over here", Hotch called out a few minutes later.

A piece of paper with a number and letters A.B were left on the ground.

"Who's A.B?" Rossi asked a dumb question.

"I don't know",  Hotch stood up and put the paper in the evidence bag.

"Let's get back to the BAU",  Hotch ordered after looking at his watch.

"I'll ring this number in the car", Rossi suggested.

Hotch nodded handing Rossi the evidence bag.

In the car Rossi dialed the number.

"Hello, Blake speaking", came from the other end of the line.

"Alex? Is that you?" Rossi put it on loud speaker.

"Rossi? Oh god long time no see", Blake laughed the other side.

"Ha yeah", Rossi looked at Hotch's stern face.

"Em Blake you need to meet us at the BAU", Rossi got quiter.

"Why is everything ok?" Blake was now seriously concerned.

Rossi did his best to explain everything from the start, starting with Reid and ending with J.J.

"Oh gosh! I'll be right there", and with that Blake hung up.

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