Part 7

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I wake up in God's prison again. This time I'm not mad though cause I really needed a break from that memory. I also need a break from all this thinking but it's stronger than myself. The moment I open my eyes my thoughts start racing back into my mind.

Where's Dave? Is he okay? What day is it? Will I ever get another birthday? What am I doing here? Why am I seeing all my childhood memories again? Why do I have to relive them all? How long will this go on? How will I ever get out of here?

I wipe the sleep out of my eyes and stretch my arms and legs. Then I get on my feet and start to walk around the room. I can't stop thinking about a way out of here. There has to be an exit, there is no other option. How did Megan leave anyway? I decide to ask this as my first question. 'Can I ask a question now?' I ask after a while. 'Yes.' God simply answers. 'Okay, so my first question-' 'Second question.' God corrects me. 'What?' I ask in disbelieve. 'I haven't asked a question yet!' I add confused. 'Oh yes you did, you asked me if you could ask me a question and I honestly said you could.' He calmly explains.

'What?! Who do you think you are?!' I yell. 'No, don't you answer that, that was a rhetorical question! Besides, I know damn well who you are. You're a monster!' I angrily add. 'Sitting here, enjoying to see me suffer while kids are starving in the streets, how can you call yourself our "God"? You are a horrible creature, an a-' God harshly interrupts me. 'Listen carefully young lady, if I could help all the starving people in the world I would. Trust me I really would.' He says and I can hear he's a lot less calm than before. I choke out something that sounds like laughter. 'Yeah right.' I sigh. 'You don't believe me?' he asks. 'Indeed, I don't.' I retort. 'that's just a shame my child but let me tell you this, I have nothing to help them. I have no food and no money, no shelter and no luck. Nothing that they would consider useful. The ones out there with tons of money, that they don't use anyway, they are the ones that should help them because I honestly can't.'

It remains quiet for a moment. 'It's always easy to blame others.' I then whisper to myself. Deep down I know though, I know that he is right. He can't make it rain money or food, he just can't.

'How did Megan leave?' I ask after another moment of silence. 'Megan left through the door because she decided to get her memories back herself.' God answers. 'What door? There is no fricking door!' I say confused but mostly frustrated. 'You don't see a door.' He retorts. 'Yeah? What's the difference?' I ask. 'Well Evelyn, there's a big difference, a really big difference. You don't think there is a door because you don't see a door.' God explains. 'What? I don't understand a thing you're saying.' I say honestly. 'Your friend Megan saw a door because she believed there was one.' He explains again.

I look around again and stare at one of the corners in disbelieve. I notice a black doorknob. So there is a door! I just assumed there was none because I didn't saw one! I immediately run towards the door and grab the cold handle. 'Wait!' God yells and I freeze. 'before you go you need to know what lies behind these walls.' He speaks. 'Okay, tell me.' 'Ask me.' He retorts. Oh I see what he's doing here, he wants me to ask my third and last question. 'Fine, what lies behind these walls?' I ask obviously knowing that that was what he wanted to hear. 'Well Evelyn, behind that door is a hallway. A hallway with doors. Behind those doors lie all of your memories, every single one. All you need to do to get back to earth is finding the right one, more specific, your last memory.' He explains. 'Do you mean my death?' I ask confused. 'Don't say that my love, as long as you are in here you're not dead yet.' He tells me. 'But once you leave this room though, your time will be running out.' He adds. 'Do you mean-' 'Yes that means you have exactly one week left to find the right memory.' He interrupts me. 'Oh and remember, once you open a door you have to open a bottle.' He quickly adds when I grab the doorknob once again.

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