Chapter 2

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~some months later~

Gerard could see him again, the boy that had lived next door for the last few months now. He knew Mikey had seen him at school, however being a year older than said boy he hadn't had a chance to approach him, he wanted to of course. Mikey was a social creature, despite the way other people, especially people at school treated him he was still always happy to gain a friend, happy to meet new people.

Gerard was quite opposite. He enjoyed his own company, maybe a little too much sometimes. He was shy, awkward and most of all anxious. He was anxiety ridden, the slightest thing caused him to have a panic attack. However, while Mikey was confident in real life, he was very nervous on a stage when he played his bass. Gerard however? Opposite again. Gerard enjoyed singing more than anything, being a vocalist was his thing, the one thing other than drawing that he could do well. Being on stage gave him confidence, made him able to be anyone he wanted to be, whether it be inappropriate, cocky, sassy, energetic. He could be whatever he wanted and say whatever he wanted. Being in front of a huge crowd, that was less nerve wracking to him than being in front of one person, In front of a crowd he had no one person to concentrate on, but he could show them who he was and be appreciated for it rather than judged.

That was what he liked the most about performing. Being accepted.

The boy, with his hugely overgrown faux hawk and messy eyeliner suddenly looked up at the window. Then stuffed his clearly tattooed, orange fingerless gloved hands into his pockets and went back into his house.

"Staring at the new kid again Ger?" Mikey's voice suddenly said behind him, calm and slow like usual.

Gerard sighed running his black polish manicured hand through his jet black hair and turning to look at Mikey "I was looking out of your window and he just happened to be there" he answered a little less convincingly than he'd hoped

"Uhuh sure" Mikey said rolling his eyes, he adjusted a piece of his dark blonde hair to exactly the right spot and wandered over to his desk

Gerard crossed his arms over his black, black flag band tee "Mike. What is it you wanted?"

Mikey smirked "it's my bedroom"

Right... Gerard had forgotten that for a moment. He cleared his throat and checked his eyeliner in Mikey's mirror before slumping down onto his bed, he had dark galaxy themed bedsheets, black pillow cases. He noticed that he'd 'borrowed' it from him, the sheets belonging to Gerard himself. He lay back on the bed and put his hands over his eyes
"Have you spoken to the kid? Do you know his name or anything?" He asked

Mikey shrugged "haven't had chance. I know his name begins with an F and that's all I know. I saw him start to write his name on the sign in sheet first day he started school . I was in reception so yeah...I saw him"

"Right..." Gerard mumbled sighing. He was relying on Mikey to meet the boy, Gerard was cripplingly shy and he wouldn't be able to talk unless he was forced to

"Why are you so interested Gee?" Michael asked raising his eyebrows behind his glasses, his black frames with white trim across the top

"He looks like he's lost all hope, looks trodden on and beaten down. You're around his age I kinda hoped you'd just at least say hi, let the kid know that at least his neighbours aren't out to get him" Gerard replied sitting up and running his hand through his hair, he pulled off the messy emo grungy punk look better than anyone Mikey knew

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