Chapter 3

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It was an enlightening experience being  caught in the rain. Watching Frank Iero  grin and flick water at Mikey, watching him push his overgrown hair back and his eyeliner trail down his perfectly sculpted face in light greyish black lines.

Gerard didn't feel cold or get upset about it, he just let the water sink in and despite what he had said to Mikey earlier he let it sink far enough as to where he could feel his underwear dampening.
It had taken about half an hour to get back to the Way's house, it stood by itself in a quiet neighbourhood, a couple trees in the front garden, the house itself a weather beaten white siding. Mikey was grasped into a almost choking hug by his mother when they reached the front yard

"Jesus Christ! You're all soaking wet come inside! Quick! Quick I'm getting wet too!" She called over he thundering noise of the heavily falling rain and the low rumble of thunder overhead.
All three boys hurried inside and Mikey shuddered, the warmth inside the house shocking his system

"So this is Frank?" Mrs. Way asked with a gentle smile looking from Mikey to the soaking wet boy currently hugging his arms around himself

"Yeah. He moved in with his aunt next door" Mikey replied with a quick smile

"Michael can I have a word with you in the kitchen please?" She asked, Mikey shrugged and wandered in the kitchens direction before Mrs. Way turned to Gerard himself "sweetheart why don't you take your friend to your room and get dry, lend him something to wear for now. I'm not letting him leave this house until this storm stops"

"Uh Ma I don't know if-" Gerard started

"I don't want to be a bother and I-" Frank also started at the same time, both of them babbling over each other until Mrs. Way cleared her throat

"Now now! No arguing, go! Go on!" She interrupted waving her hands.

Gerard knew better than to argue further, he had once argued with her a little too much about going to a comic convention when he was 14 and received a clip round the ear. That was something he didn't want again, his mother was a sweet, gentle lady but she sure had a stiff, painful slap on her.
Gerard sighed and grabbed Frank's sleeve ignoring his continuing protests and pulling him toward the basement stairs

"Cmon. You ain't ever gonna win against my mom" he told him leading him down the stairs and into his room shutting the door behind him.
Gerard went over to his closet and grabbed two towels putting them down on the bed "one of em is yours" he mumbled

Frank pulled his soaking orange gloves off and slipped off his jacket too "thanks dude..uh.. You don't have to give me clothes you know"

Gerard shrugged "you can't stay soaking wet can you?"


"Well, I have some skinnies and a sweater if you want those"

Frank looked at him tilting his head slightly "but I'm real short though, your clothes won't fit will they?" He questioned grabbing a towel from the bed and rubbing his hair. Gerard smiled very slightly and went over to the closet again, He knew exactly what to give Frank that would fit him, or at least fit enough as to where he could use it for the time being.

"Do you like stripes?" Gerard asked him. His awkward face was adorable as he thought about it

"I guess" was his simple reply

Gerard took a black and light grey striped sweater from the closet and a pair of black skinny jeans, he closed the closet door and went over to lay the clothing on his bed "that stuff okay?"

Frank nodded.

"Alright..." Gerard murmured before gripping the bottom of his own shirt and pulling it off over his head, Frank looked away a little nervously, that made Gerard chuckle. He took an old band shirt that was laying on the floor and pulled it on over his head then unbuckled his jeans and pulled those off too, Frank looking down at his hands the entire time while Gerard finished changing.

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