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"You're not scared that I'm going to hurt you?" Harry smirks, his eyes almost all black, and a smirk on his face. Harry would never hurt Louis, but he knows that if they get too close, he might corrupt Louis' innocence. And he doesn't want that to happen, if anything, Harry wants to protect the small lad. By protecting this person that he cares so much about, despite them not even knowing each other for a day, Harry is just trying to scare him away.

"You won't." Louis replies, picking up his apple juice and drinking from the straw, not once breaking eye contact. This is actually the first time Harry has seen Louis seem not overly Happy, like he normally is.

Harry doesn't say anything, he just squints his eyes at Louis, as if he's trying to understand him.

"How do you know I won't?" Louis stops sucking on the straw and waits a moment before he speaks.

"Because you're my friend! Friends don't hurt friends!" Louis giggles, going back to his normal self. Harry sighs in relief when he hears the smaller boy giggle.

"You're right Louis, friends don't hurt friends." Harry smiles for the first time since lunch started. He takes a bite of the half sandwich Louis gave him. The sandwich was so small that when he took a bite, he ate half of it. He took another bite, and then the sandwich was gone, in two bites. While Harry is eating his sandwich, Louis Eats his carrots. Louis finished before Harry, so Louis opened his pudding cup and began eating.

"Hey Harry?" Louis squeaks.


"I hope you don't think it's too early or anything, but-" a smile and a blush start to creep onto Louis' face"- would you like to come over? To my house?" Louis looks down as he speaks, and he plays with his pudding.

"Sure," Harry couldn't say no to Louis.

"Really?" Louis asks, snapping his head up.

"Yeah, why not?" Louis' eyes glow bright from excitement and he gets so excited that he stands up and walks over to Harry, giving him a hug.

"Thank you, thank you," he praises, jumping up and down whilst kissing Harry's hair.

Harry isn't used to touching people, much less this kind of affection and attention, so he resists the feeling of wanting to push Louis away and he tenses up. He just sits there while Louis continues to hug him. Harry inhales and he smells Louis' arm.

It smells of strawberries and vanilla, Harry decides, he also decides that that scent is his new favorite scent.

Louis eventually realizes that Harry is tense and remembers that some people need personal space, so he immediately gets off of Harry.

"I'm sorry Harry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Louis apologizes and blushes.

"It's alright Louis. I don't mind," Harry says with a tight smile.

"Are you still coming over?" Louis asks with sad eyes, thinking that he just lost his only friend.

"Yeah, yeah I'm still coming over," Harry rushes out. He's never seen Louis look sad, and he thinks that that was Louis' first time being sad-he looked on the verge of tears.

Louis' sad eyes are immediately replaced with his normal happy, bright eyes.

"Can I hug you Harry?" He asks, beforehand just make sure that Harry is OK with it.

"Yeah." Harry opens his arms for Louis, and Louis walks into them. Louis has finally made his first official friend.

The bell interrupts their hugging session, and Harry releases Louis so that they both can get to class.

"Will you wait for me by the front doors? We can walk together." Louis smiles.

"Of course," Harry speaks. Then Louis walks away, well skips, towards his classes. And if Harry stared at his ass, nobody was around, so it technically didn't happen. And Louis doesn't have to know.


Louis was anxious. He couldn't wait for the bell to ring so that he could show Harry his home. And to show his momma, she would be so proud to hear that Louis has finally made a friend.

Louis believed that his mother loved him to death. Even though she's never told him once that he loved him, and she's never really shown affection towards him, but he believes it's because his momma works really hard, and when she gets home she's too tired to do anything.

He stares at the clock, as if that is going to make it go faster. Louis has never really been this excited in his life, this passes up the time when he found some money on the ground.

The bell rings and Louis is the first one out of his seat. He bolts out the classroom doors and runs down the hallway. Well he doesn't run too fast, he didn't want to bump into anyone and possibly hurt them.

When Louis reaches the doors, he quickly opens them and stands outside, waiting for Harry. Louis then puts his hood over his head. School is over, so Mr. Craig can't tell him anything.

Louis waits and waits. He watches kids leave, some leave in a car, some leave on the bus, and some just walk. When everyone is gone, Louis starts to think that maybe Harry ditched him because he didn't really want to be his friend. And the only reason that Harry was being nice to him during school is because Mrs. Cox made Harry be his friend.

Right as he's about to give up all his hopes, and start walking home by himself, someone taps him on the shoulder.

Louis pauses and slowly turns around. There, standing with an apologetic smile and some chocolates, is Harry.

Louis' frown is immediately dropped and is replaced with a smile that makes his eyes crinkle.

"Harry!" Louis yells in excitement and happiness. He throws his arms around Harry's waist, burying his face in Harry's chest.

"I'm sorry Lou, I got in some trouble and the teacher lectured me about it, and that took forever and I- I'm really sorry," Harry rambled on.

"Lou?" Louis questions.

"Oh, I'm sorry it just kind of slipped out."

"That's alright, I like it," Louis speaks, face still Nuzzled into Harry's chest.

Louis pulls away and looks at the chocolates in Harry's hand. Harry notices Louis looking at the chocolates, and he blushes. Harry knows he has a soft spot for the boy, and he knows that spot is going get softer. He's blushing for God's sake! Harry never blushes, but what matters is right now and this moment.

"Are those for me?" Louis giggles.

"Uh yeah, I wanted to apologize for being late, so I got you some chocolates and uh, yeah." Harry said nervously as he handed Louis the small box of assorted chocolates.

"Thank you Harry, I'm so glad you're my friend," Louis whispers, with tears of joy in his eyes, and once again hugs Harry. And this time Harry hugs back. He may not be too comfortable with the whole touching thing, but he tries, for Louis.

What Harry knows is that if he and Louis remain friends for another while, he is definitely going to corrupt Louis' sweet innocence. For now, Louis is still the sweet, adorable boy, and Harry tends to keeps it that way for as long as he can.

AN tell me of there are any mistakes. Well, bye.

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