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"Well, um, I think it's time we get you home." Harry said. The sun was setting, making the sky a mixture of colors, including orange pink, and purple. Louis was laying and his back, enjoying the sunset.

"But I'm having so much fun with you, Haz," Louis frowned. Louis sat up and looked at Harry. He didn't want to go "home." That place was not his home. That was just where he lived.

"We don't want your mum to get worried, Louis." Harry replied as he stood up and brushed dirt off of his jeans.

"C'mon," he stuck his hand out towards Louis.

"I don't wanna." Louis shook his head. He crossed his arms and started to pout, looking away from Harry.

"Louis. It's getting dark, I need to get you home." Harry was trying to keep his patience but Louis was stubborn and he wanted to stay in the pretty meadow full of pretty flowers.

"Why can't I just come home with you?" Louis turned his head towards Harry. Louis' eyes were filled with hope. Harry looked down at him, he could really tell that Louis did not want to go to his house.

Harry and Louis had not known each other for long, but Harry knew quite a bit about Louis. Harry considered Louis to be his best friend, despite their short friendship. And how could he say no to his small, adorable best friend? Well, he couldn't.

So Harry made it look like he was thinking about the question even though he already knew he was going to say yes. He started to stroke his chin with his fore finger and thumb, and looked up at the star filled sky.

Louis waited for an answer, still looking up at Harry. He didn't realize that Harry was just joking when he made his "thinking face."

"OK, fine." Harry answered after a few seconds filled with silence.

"Yay! Thank you Hazza!" Louis jumped up in excitement. He tried to wrap his arms around Harry's neck, to give a him a hug, but he couldn't reach, which made Louis frown a little. Harry noticed and picked the small boy up. Louis shrieked and wrapped his legs around Harry's waist, at the same time he also wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and hurried his face in the area between his shoulder and neck. Meanwhile, Harry chuckled at how adorable Louis was.

"What?" Louis questioned.

"Nothing, you're just too cute."

Louis blushed and said nothing more.

"Well, let's go to my house and have ourselves a slumber party."

Louis giggled and hugged Harry tighter.


"Louis, I'm gonna have to put you down." Harry whispered into Louis' ear. Harry had carried Louis the whole way to his house. Harry never wanted to let go, but he didn't want his mum to make any assumptions, even though he knew that she knew that he had a small, tiny crush on the boy in his arms.

"Why?" Louis asked, drawing imaginary circles onto Harry's shoulder blade.

"Well my mum is home and I don't want her to get the wrong idea."

"Like what kind if idea?"

Louis was so oblivious to relationships and anything in the outside world, and Harry wanted to keep it that way. He wanted to keep Louis innocent.

"Never mind. I don't have to put you down." Harry sighed and tried his best to open the front door.


There was absolutely no light, so Harry couldn't really put the key into the key hole. The only light was the light coming from the stars and the moon, but that didn't really help.

The door opened and Anne stepped out from behind it. Disappointment written on her face, that is until she saw Louis in her son's arms. At first, she thought that Harry was out and about, wandering through The Hood. But then she saw Louis and knew that Harry would never go anywhere that he thought was a danger to Louis, he cared about him too much.

"Mum. Hi." Harry looked up at his mother with wide eyes.

"Hi. Um where have you been all evening?" She asked, ignoring the tiny boy in her son's arms.

Louis was too shy to actually speak up, so he let Harry and Mrs. Cox talk.

"I-I was with Louis." Harry stuttered, he wasn't nervous or anything, it was just a little embarrassing that his mum was interrogating him in front of Louis.

"OK." Anne raised an eyebrow at Harry and then she put a smile on her face and looked at Louis.

"Hello, Louis." She was aware that Louis wasn't looking, but she was still happy to see that Louis was making her son happy.

"Hello, Mrs. Cox." Louis greeted, turning his head to look at Anne, he didn't want to be rude and talk to her without looking her in the eye.

"Call me Anne when we're not in school," she smiled.


"Well, we should probably be heading upstairs, into my bedroom." Harry said, trying to get out of this awkward conversation.

"If you don't mind me asking Harold, what is Louis doing here so late? Shouldn't he be at home with his family?" Anne didn't mean to come off as rude, she was just curious.

"I don't have a family," Louis murmured, though no one heard.

"Louis actually wanted to sleep over, so that we could....get to know each other?" Harry said, it kind of sounded like a question, but Anne didn't say anything on it.

"On a school night?" Anne raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"Um, I'll be right back." Harry ran, as quickly as he could, and set Louis down on his bed.

He went to his drawers and started taking out some of his clothes. He had grey sweatpants, a white T-shirt, and a pair of new boxers.

"Here you go Louis, you can change in the bathroom," he said as he pointed to the bathroom that connected to his bathroom," and I'll be right back, OK?" Louis took the clothes and nodded.

Harry rushed downstairs to talk to his mother about Louis staying for the night.

Meanwhile, Louis undressed and was going to take off his panties, but Harry hadn't given him an extra pair. Unless he was supposed to put on these boxers, which he really didn't want to. So, he kept his panties on (they weren't even dirty) and put on the baggy, but comfortable sweatpants and the way too big T-shirt.

"Now what am I supposed to do with these?" Louis asked himself as he held the boxers with his fore finger and thumb.

AN. Woo! I wrote a chapter that wasn't too crappy! Yay! I'm such a good writer. Not. I know you guys are curious about what happened with the last chapter, specifically the last sentence, but you'll just have to wait and find out. There are probably mistakes, but oh well, I'll fix it later.

That Gif of Louis though.

Tell me if there are any mistakes.

Don't forget to check out my other (crappy) books.

Well, bye.

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