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Louis blushes and tries to look away from Harry. But before Louis can turn his head, Harry gently grabs his chin and makes Louis look at him, straight into his eyes.

"I mean it Louis." Harry says sternly. Harry wants Louis to understand that to him, Louis is too good for this world.

"Thank you." Louis whispers. Harry stares into Louis' beautiful blue orbs and Louis stares into Harry's emerald green eyes.

Louis doesn't show it, but Harry kind of intimidates him. Especially the way he's holding his chin right now. Harry's grip is kind of hard and Louis really wants to whimper from the pain, but he doesn't Harry to think that he's hurting him.

Thankfully, the bell rings, interrupting their intense staring session.

"Well, let's get to class, don't want to be late, now do we?" Harry smiles, letting go of Louis' chin. He starts to walk towards the school doors.

Louis let's out a sigh of relief and follows Harry inside.


At the end of the day, Harry decides to walk Louis home. The two lads are about to cross the street to get to The Hood, when Harry stops.

"Hey Lou?" Harry questions, gaining Louis' attention.

"Yeah Haz?"

"Um, how about we go the other way?" Harry doesn't want Louis to go through The Hood anymore. He thinks it's way too scary for Louis, or he could get hurt, Harry just wants to make sure that Louis is safe going to and from school.

"Why?" Louis' eyebrows furrow. He has always gone this way and he's never had any trouble or anything, why would Harry have a problem with him going through here now?

"Um, well you know, maybe we can pick some flowers or something?" Harry stutters.

Louis looks at Harry, not really believing that Harry wanted to go pick flowers. Louis crosses his arms and cocks an eyebrow.

"For your flower crowns, yeah?" Harry quickly spits out, wanting Louis to give in and go through the meadow. Louis' eyes immediately light up and the mention of flower crowns. Maybe he can show Harry how to make them.


"Yeah, of course. Come on, let's go pick some flowers." Harry shouts excitedly.

"Yay!" Louis grabs Harry's hand and starts to run towards the meadow, dragging Harry along. Harry is just glad that he convinced Louis to go this route.

After a couple of minute of running, Louis stops, causing Harry to accidentally bump into him, almost tipping him over. Luckily, Harry grabs his waist before he could fall.

Louis blushes while looking up at Harry.


"No problem, it was my fault anyways." Harry helps Louis stand straight.

Harry looks to his left and sees the meadow. Harry has never really actually seen the meadow, he just assumed it was a large area of land filled with nothing but grass and a bit of dandelions and maybe sunflowers.

But this meadow is definitely not just dandelions and sunflowers, it has many other kinds of flowers.

"Look Little Red." Hard nudges Louis. Louis, who was too busy trying to stop himself from blushing and at the same time fixing his hair, turns to look at The Wolf.


"Look." Harry points to the meadow, and Louis' jaw drops. He's never seen this many flowers, and Louis is absolutely shocked.

Little Red Riding Through the Hood(L.S)Where stories live. Discover now