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"Nothing, I just really like the color Red," Louis says with a smile. Harry feels...relieved, for some reason, he thought Louis was gonna say something creepy. But then he quickly dismissed the thought from his head when he heard Louis' response. Besides Louis is too innocent and nice, he wouldn't even think about hurting a fly.

"Oh, OK."

"What's wrong? Are you OK?" Louis asks with a worried expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine.......just not a big fan of the color Red." Harry just lied to Louis. He didn't want Louis to know the thought that Harry just had, so he came up with a quick little white lie. No harm done, right?

"Oh, we don't have to be in here if you-"

"No, 's fine, it's fine. I'm not saying I don't like your room, I just don't like the...shade of Red." Harry interrupted.

"Well, OK. I guess the shade of Red isn't my favorite, so I see what you mean." Harry thought that was the most bullshit answer, but he can't blame Louis, it was he who came up with lies. But it was partly true. Harry didn't feel too comfortable with the color of the room, I mean almost everything in it was Red!

The bed was Red, the small carpet was Red, the curtains were Red, the dresser was Red, the bookcase was Red, and even the books in the bookcase had Red covers, the pillows were Red. The only things that weren't Red, were some of his clothes, and the walls, everything else was that stupid crimson blood color.

All in all, Harry absolutely hated Louis' room.

"Anyways, um what do you wanna do?" Harry wanted to change the subject, he didn't want to talk about the color of Louis' room anymore, it's not like he ever wanted to.

"I don't know, I've never had any friends come over before, mainly because I've never really had friends." Louis says as he smiles.

How was Harry even supposed to answer that? What was he supposed to say? "I'm sorry you didn't have any friends before me?", that would be rude and he also didn't want to hurt Louis' feelings

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How was Harry even supposed to answer that? What was he supposed to say? "I'm sorry you didn't have any friends before me?", that would be rude and he also didn't want to hurt Louis' feelings.

So Harry just smiles, but it wasn't a nice friendly one, more like an uncomfortable, nervous smile. And Louis being the cutie he is, smiles back. But then he gasps, remembering something.

"Oh my God, I'm being so rude, I am so sorry Harry!"

"What?" Harry is clearly confused, he doesn't understand why Louis is apologizing.

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to drink? Because I can cook for you, well I can try, but I can get you something to drink if you're thirsty. Or I can-"

"I'm OK Louis. I'm good." Harry speaks, stopping Louis' ranting.

"You sure?"

"I'm positive, now come on, there's got to be something we can do." Harry starts to walk around the room and then he notices a chest in the corner of the room. How did he not notice it before?

"What's that?" Harry points to the small Red chest.

"Oh! That's my toy chest. Do you wanna play house? I don't have a dolly house, but we can use our imagination." Louis seems excited at the chance of playing 'house' with Harry. Then again, Louis always played by himself because he had nobody to play with, his mum was definitely not going to play with him. She barely gave him any attention when he was a toddler, what makes you think she's going to pay attention now?

"Um sure," Harry seemed a little taken back by the question. He's never met anyone as old as Louis that wants to play 'house'. It's always little 4 to 8 year old little girls that seem to want to play in a dollhouse with their dolls. Louis is also the only boy that has ever wanted to play house. Harry's sure there other boys out there who want to play house, but he's never met one, so that doesn't really count.

"This is Mr. Fluffles," Louis holds up a white Teddy bear with a small pink bow on top of its head,"- and this is Charlie. I'll be Mr. Fluffles and you can be Charlie." Charlie is a brown teddy bear with a blue bow on top of its head.

Harry hesitantly takes the brown bear from Louis' hands. Once Charlie is in between his hands, Harry glances at Louis, to see what he's doing. Louis is bouncing Mr. Fluffles on his lap and he looks so happy.

"Charlie, how about we go to the kitchen." Louis squeals in a high voice.

"OK, Mr. Fluffles, then we can have.....lunch." Harry isn't really can't talk in a high voice, so he talks in his normal voice. Louis doesn't seem affected by this, just keeps on playing.

Louis suddenly stops bouncing Mr. Fluffles up and down.

"I'm hungry. Let's go get food." Louis puts Mr. Fluffles on his bed and grabs Charlie from Harry's hands, putting him on the bed next to Mr. Fluffles.

He then grabs Harry's hand and pulls him out his bedroom door, and to the upstairs kitchen.

The kitchen was decent, it was actually pretty nice. It had a marble counter, a stainless steal refrigerator, white cabinets, a sink, many utensils, pots, and pans, and a big ass pantry.

"Well this is my kitchen. I can't really cook, so we'll just eat sandwiches. If that's alright with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I could eat, I guess." Harry shrugged.

So Harry and Louis ate sandwiches for dinner. Harry ate a ham and cheese sandwich, while Louis ate a plain peanut butter sandwich, with milk, in a sippy cup. Most people would think that was weird because of Louis' age, but Harry thought it was cute.

After they were done, they both went back to Louis' room.

"I think Mr. Fluffles and Charlie have had enough playing time, I think they should go back to sleep in their room." Louis grabbed the two bears and put them back in the chest.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, anything you want, you're my friend now, we should know as much as we can about each other, I think."

"Are you gay?"

AN Harry's hair. Tell me if there are any mistakes, and don't forget to check out my other stories. Well, bye.

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