Chapter 7

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Nemo is smart even though he is 11. I still can't believe how smart he is.

Nemo is very intelligent. He especially is when he finds my room, because in my house there are 3 different levels. The first floor has the garage and our mom's bedroom. The second floor has a power bathroom and the kitchen. Finally the last floor has the master bedroom and another bedroom.

Nemo can be fantastic in so many ways! One way of Nemo being fantastic is when he comes in my room, he will come and check in on me. Another way is when he wants to come in my room and the door is closed, so he will always bang against my door. Lastly, the reason is why he wants to make sure I'm in my room and not sleeping in another room. Sometimes, he will find me in my mom's room on the first floor. That's only if I have a headache. Otherwise I'm always in my room, unless I'm eating.

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