Chapter 11

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Nemo can be the best cat in the world!

I have a lot of memories with him! I remember my first memory with Nemo was when I first brought him in my room I carried him up the stairs into my room! The second memory was when the next day I got to feed him once that day because my sisters, Amanda and Delaney wanted to help pitch in so they got to feed him for the two meals. The third memory was when I got to have him sleep on my bed when I wasn't allergic to him! My last memory was when just yesterday when I came home he wanted me to give him attention, but instead of giving him attention I had a nice glass of milk. When I was done I gave him some attention and then it was time to go to bed! That was when I was in my room and he might if he  banged against my door because he wanted to come in my room, waiting for more memories.

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