Chapter 22

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“But don’t worry, I’ll take care of her.” Aubrey said in an evil voice that made my blood run cold.

I held Kate tighter, to show Aubrey that I wasn’t going to let anything happen to Kate and she shook her head.

“Huh huh. Bitch, get away from him.” She said, pointing to Kate.

Kate shook her head and Aubrey laughed darkly. She slid the French door shut and put her hands behind her back. When she brought them around to the front, she was holding a giant knife in her hands. It looked like the ones Michael Myers used in the Halloween movies.

“I’m not playing, get away from him.” She said again.

Kate just held me tighter. Aubrey stomped over to us and grabbed Kate hair and pulled hard. Kate shrieked and her hands flew to the back of her head and Aubrey dragged her away from me. Aubrey picked up a bundle of rope from the ground and threw it to Kate.

“Now, tie him up.” She ordered. Kate shook her head.

Aubrey glared and walked over to Kate and held the knife to her throat.

“Do it, or I’ll slit your throat wide open.” She whispered harshly.

My heart dropped to my stomach.

“Kate just do it!” I shouted to her.

A tear slipped from her eye as she walked over to me.

“Tie his hands up over his head on the beam, and make them tight. I don’t want him to get loose.” Aubrey told Kate.

I put my arms up and Kate started wrapping the rope around my wrists. She left me a lot of slack and I shook my head.

“Kate, don’t. Make it tight.” I whispered to her.

I didn’t want to give Aubrey any reason to hurt her if I could help it. Kate’s eyes locked with mine for a moment before she yanked hard on the rope. I winced as I felt the rope cut into my flesh. She mouthed ‘sorry’ to me before Aubrey pulled her away from me.

“You look so sexy tied up like that Synyster. We’ll have to play later.” Aubrey said with a wink.

I led out a groan of disgust and looked away. Aubrey just laughed and circled Kate like a shark in the water about to devour its prey.

“I still don’t know what he saw in you. You’re just so, so plain. I mean, you were a photographer for God’s sake. You never even worked with bands before and they just scoop you up and take you on tour. You didn’t have to try or anything and they all loved you. What makes you so God dammed special!” She shouted as she walked around Kate.

“That’s exactly why we loved her. She didn’t try to be anything she wasn’t.” I spat at Aubrey. Her head whipped around so she was looking at me.

I have so much to say, but you're so far away (Synyster Gates sequel)Where stories live. Discover now