Chapter 25

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Brian ran to the nurse’s station and practically jumped over the desk.

“Mr. Haner? Is everything alright?” A nurse asked.

Brian smiled and nodded.

“She’s awake. Kate’s awake, but she’s in pain.” He told her.

The nurse, whose name was Patty, grinned and got out of her chair.

“That’s great news!” She said as she hurried to the room.

Brian was right behind her, barely able to contain himself.

“Hello Miss Moore, I’m Patty, your nurse.” Patty said.

Kate’s eyes were squeezed shut, and she nodded.

“Please, it hurts.” She croaked.

Brian’s heart broke. He felt so helpless because Kate was in pain and he couldn’t help her.

“Brian.” She called for him with one hand out. He smiled slightly and laced his with hers and held it tight.

“I’m right here baby, I never left.” He said softly.

A small smile pulled on her lips and she started to relax.

“I gave her some medication. It won’t knock her out but it will make her comfortable.” Patty said.

Brian nodded in thanks and Patty went to the door.

“I’m gonna get the doctor to check up on you.” She said to Kate.

Kate opened her eyes and nodded slowly.

“Thank you.” She said slowly.

Brian could tell that it hurt her to speak. He grabbed her water pitcher and filled up a cup and put a straw in it.

“Here baby, drink.” He said. Kate opened her mouth and put her lips around the straw.

Relief spread across her face and she looked at Brian.

“Thanks.” She said.

Her voice was nearly back to normal. She looked down at herself and then to Brian.

“What happened?” She asked him.

Brian sighed and sunk into the chair.

“What do you remember?” He asked.

Kate wrinkled her eyebrows together and looked at Brian.

“Making up on the porch.” She said after a few minutes.

Brian looked down at his hands and swallowed hard.

“Aubrey showed up and she made you tie me to the railing. Her intentions were to kill you quickly in front of me but you weren’t having that. You took a beer bottle and smashed it over her head and then it was a knock down drag out between you two. But she had a knife and she stabbed you in the stomach. Chase came to help and brought the cops and they had to shoot Aubrey, but she survived. She’s going to prison for attempted murder and kidnapping.” He told her.

Kate stayed silent and just looked straight ahead.

“Kate, I can’t even begin to apologize to you.” Brian said. Kate looked at him with a confused looked on her face.

“Apologize? For what?” She asked.

Brian was dumbfounded. He thought for sure she’d be upset with him for this. He opened his mouth to speak but then quickly closed it. Kate reached over and took his hand.

“Brian, this is not your fault. It’s hers. And she’s going to pay for it.” Kate said firmly.

Brian sighed and kissed her hand.

“But if I wouldn’t have let her stay at the house, this never would’ve happened.” He said sadly.

Kate rolled her eyes.

“I bet it would have. She was obsessed with you Brian. She would’ve found a way.” Kate said.

Brian nodded and leaned over to kiss Kate’s cheek. She smiled and closed her eyes.

“How long have I been in here?” She asked.

Brian counted in his head.

“About two days.” He said. Kate shook her head and put her head back.

“Have you been home at all?” She asked him.

Brian shook his head and Kate smiled.

“Baby, go home. Take a shower, take a nap. I’ll be alright.” She told him.

Brian shook his head and sat down on the edge of the bed.

“No way. I’m not going anywhere.” He said with a smile on his face.

Kate smiled back and touched his face. All at once, tears started falling from Brian’s eyes. He took both of her hands in his and held them tight.

“I thought I lost you.” He said quietly.

Kate’s eyes widened slightly and she felt tears well up in her own eyes.

“Brian, baby it’s alright. I’m gonna be fine.” She said reassuringly. Brian nodded and closed his eyes, letting his tears fall.

Kate watched Brian cry. Her heart was swelling with the love she felt for this man. He was so strong all the time for her and to see him so open, so venerable, made her love him all the more.

“I know you’re alright now Kate, but when you were lying there, bleeding to death on the patio and I couldn’t help you-“He couldn’t finish.

He dropped Kate’s hands and covered his face with his own. His body was heaving as he cried hard. Brian was completely overwhelmed at this point. He was so happy Kate was awake and talking to him, he was upset that he let this happen to her in the first place and he was angry with himself for not protecting her.

“Brian, look at me.” Kate said softly.

He took a few deep breaths and wiped the tears from his face. Kate was smiling slightly. She took his hands and kissed them softly.

“Stop blaming yourself okay? You didn’t do this. You didn’t. Aubrey did. I know you would’ve protected me if you could’ve. I love you so much, you can’t even understand. Please, for me let this go.” She said to him.

With another deep breath, Brian nodded and smiled slightly.

“Now, kiss me.” She said with a big smile.

Brian chuckled and leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.

“I hate to interrupt, but I need to examine Kate now.” The doctor said from behind them.

Brian smiled into the kiss and pulled away.

“Sure, there will be time for this later.” Brian said. Kate giggled and looked at the doctor.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you Kate. My name is Dr. Brown.” Dr. Brown said.

Kate nodded and shook his hand.

“Brian, can you give us a few minutes?” The doctor said.

Brian looked at Kate, who nodded and he stood up.

“Yeah, I’ll be right outside.” He said to Kate. She smiled and nodded and Brian went out in the hall.

He pulled his cell phone out and dialed Suzy.

“What happened?” She asked.

A smile crept onto his face and he sighed happily.

“She’s awake.”

I have so much to say, but you're so far away (Synyster Gates sequel)Where stories live. Discover now