Chapter Eighteen Emily

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After all that awkwardness, we head over to structures class, what the heck is that?
I bet it's kind of like math class, the name reminds me of geometry. I hate geometry, and I'm horrible at it. I really hope structures period isn't like our old math class at home. But, I noticed that we had a regular basic maths class, so I guess we won't be doing any math in structures. Or will we?
The teacher walks in and introduces the class, what we will learn this year and all that stupid stuff. His name is Mr Zwachir, what in the world?!!!!
During this class, we learn about elemental buildings. I guess this class I kind of like a architectural class, I don't really know!? For example, the building/palace for the air tower is a giant perched edifice with huge bird statues. I'm amazed when he makes a mini replica of it in the classroom, it amazing! I really hope we'll learn how to do that someday!

Next is lunch, yay! I'll get to hang out with Cecelia again! During lunch time, Cecelia and I sit together at a table. We talk about awkward stuff. Form the truth or dare game. The one where the boys had to kiss one of us and Cecelia had to kiss one of them. Cecelia tells me what she's discovered. She thinks that Zayne likes her and Taj likes me. Ooookkkkaaaay then, great! Nowwwwwww, what exactly are we going to do?......
After lunch, we have Maps class, I guess that'll be pretty easy, right? I mean, I've always been pretty good at geography. How hard could it be? How hard could it get ?
I walk in and notice that Cecelia is already inside, she's sitting alone on a desk towards the back of the room. I feel bad for her, so I join her. At first, we don't talk, but after a while, she tells me how she'll manage to actually stay here for the rest of her life. I'm not exactly sure that she even liked her past life, back home. She's never told me anything about her parents, or about her family. I wonder if something actually happened to them, maybe an accident. I wish she'dtold me already, the truth. I ask:
"So, um, do you miss back home? I do, for sure."
"Oh! Well, it's complicated."
She replies, she's not even looking at me directly. I see that's she is hesitating a lot.
"What's the problem Cecelia?"
I ask, curious about her story.
"Well, when I was young, my parents died. I've lived with my step mom, Jayden who decided to take care of me. She treats me like a slave. And, she has a daughter. She 's the same"
Wait! What? I would've never guessed that! Oh my God! That's crazy! No wonder she not as different from back home. All of the rest of us miss home, our family, our parents. But she doesn't.
If I were her, I would actually be happy here, away from those evil witches, who treat her like a slave! And she is only twelve...
Before we know it, class starts and the teacher walks in. His name is Mr. Granfarbia , and we'll learning about how to make a map, great........ It's sooooo boring, oh my god! I think I might've actually fallen asleep in the middle of the class, that what Cecelia told me at least, I don't know. It's funny though.
Then, we have weapons class! This one seems fun but maybe just a little (*sarcasm*) violent. Every element has its own weapons. For earth, we have swords. For air, they have a bow and arrow, for fire, they have knives (eeeesh, I absolutely hate knives, they give me the chills!) finally, for water, they have javelins
The teacher kind of gives us another intro. So many intros! It's really getting on my nerves.
This class is violent, period! There is no other way to say it! There are different stations, we are separated into elements group : water, fire, air, and earth. At the fire station, they through knives at a target (not a human!) we start stabbing a mannequin violently! I HATE THIS CLASS. This is not teaching us anything, nothing! When class is finally over, I walk up to Cecelia.

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