Chapter Twenty- five Cecelia

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I wake up to the soft rays of sunlight brushing my face. I slowly open my eyes and sit up. I realize that I forgot to close my curtains last night, so I stumble out of bed and walk over to my dresser. I am so happy it's still the weekend! I get out bed, take a shower, blow dry my hair, put on a necklace with a gold triangle ( ∇ ) and then I get dressed in a sparkly gold crop top, white jeans, gold wedges, and a white jean jacket. Then I do my hair and makeup. I decide to pin the photos that we took in the photo booth to a bulletin board. So I order that up, and hang it over my bed. Then I pin up all my photos, grab my bag, put my sports uniform inside and then I put on a gold bracelet and a gold ring with a diamond in the middle.

Then I go and see Emily, who is up, and we go over to Taj, Zayne and Julia's places, knock on their doors and then we take more photos, and play a new game, which we find in the air common room. It's a mix and match hologram game. For example, if we're playing with me, I'll take a full body photo of me, and then it's projected into a board, and on the board everyone else dresses me up, and then does other stuff, such as changes the color of my eyes, my skin and hair, etc... It's really funny! Then we head down to breakfast. I grab some eggs, cereal and orange juice. We eat and chat about school, soon to come homework, and we have a "coolest small thing'' contest in which we are supposed to create the coolest little thing with our elements. I make a mini tornado, which transforms into little clouds every once and a while, but in the middle, it turns black again, and the moaning starts again, but than it turns white, and starts singing! Of course, I win because of that, but Emily comes in second with growing a little jungle on her plate, and everyone else does other stuff like that. Then we hear an announcement from the loudspeaker. It says:

"Please may I have your attention everyone! Good morning! Today, at 1:00, you will be having a competition of sorts, where you test your elemental skills against an opponent. So now would be a good time to practice, and if you want any advice, the teachers you can see are:"
Then the voice lists the teachers that we can see, and I decide to see Mrs. Paden, the Elementals teacher, about my black and white wind. So I say bye to my friends after establishing a meeting time to practice (10:00) and I walk to room 356, and knock on the door.

Mrs. Paden lets me in, and then asks:
"So, why did you come to see me, Cecelia?"
"Well, see, this morning and a few days ago, I made this kind of black wind. It makes a moaning noise, and it's kind of scary. Do you know what it is?"
I ask.
"Why yes, I do Cecelia. It's the Wind Of Hell. "
She replies.
"What!? What does that mean? And how do I summon it? And so white wind is wind from heaven?"
I ask.
"Ok, so firstly, Wind Of Hell allows you to summon the dead air Elementals from hell. The white wind is the Wind Of Heaven, and that allows you to summon wind gods. This is a very rare ability that only people who have lived in both Heaven and Hell in a way can summon these spirits. And you can summon these winds when you are concentrating totally, or when you are engaged in a challenge, or when you are using your powers, and you think of horrible hellish moments or amazing heavenly moments. Now before you go telling your friends about this, stop. This will be our secret. Because there haven't been someone who can summon these winds in years, and you will be bombarded with questions if people figure this out. Understand?"
She questions.
"Yes, yes, yes and cool! Thank you so much! That makes me feel better, now that I know what they are."
I reply.
"Anyways, I need to get going. "
I continue.
"Alright, but I'd like to see you Monday after class "
Says Mrs. Paden.

I leave her office, and head over to my friends. They are at the outdoor activities course. I meet them there, and we start training. All of us transform and do a lap as a our animal either on air, on land, etc.. And then we try to fire blasts while we are doing this. I manage to make a few mini tornadoes, a few air balls, and I manage to change the weather a bit, which I figured out how to do yesterday. Then we do one on one combat. First I combat Emily, and neither of us win, so we move on. I win against Zayne, Taj and Julia, and so does Emily. Then, we put up our shields and hold them up while we fire random blasts. Then we partner up again and take turns deflecting our partner's blasts. Then we do the OA course 5 times, and then repeat this again. By the time it's 1:00, we are exhausted, but ready. When we arrive at the stadium, which is a few miles away from the O.A. course, and when we get there, it's already begun. We all find seats, and Emily produces popcorn from her bag, which we eat while we watch people battling. After a while, Taj is called up to battle some girl from Fire. He barley beats her, but he still does. He comes back smiling, and we congratulate him. Then a few more people go, and then Julia is called up. She loses to Sherman, who's animal is a goldfish!(Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah) and then Zayne goes, and he loses against a girl from nature, and then Emily goes and crushes a girl from water, and then it's my turn.

I am up against a buff guy from fire, who starts of by spitting out a fireball, which I deflect with my absorbent shield. Then he sets the ground on fire. Ouch! But I quickly transform, and hover above the ground, and before he has time to react, I send a tornado strait at him, knocking him down. But he gets up, and pulls the flame from the floor into a gigantic dragon. I put up my shield and I block it easily.
Then I attack by making it rain, dousing his fire so he can do nothing, and then throwing wind balls at him every three seconds. He tries to put up his shield, but he cannot. Nor can he fight back. That's when the whistle blows to signify the end of the tournament. Whew! That was fun... And tough! Then I am shooed of stage and we all go back to the school with some other kids, accompanied by Mrs. Kimmel. At the school, I take some down time to myself and write in my journal, do a bit of reading, decorating, drawing, etc... Emily comes by for a while, and we talk about life, the tournament, etc...By then, it's dinner time, and we both head downstairs. We are the first to arrive, so we chat some more about more private things, while I devour my hot dog and coke. Then Taj and Zayne join us, and we chat about non-personal stuff, and then we all hang out at my place for a while, and then everyone goes to their rooms white the go to bed announcement. It's been a great day, and I'm sore and tired, so I fall asleep immediately and I dream of heaven and hell.

GiftedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora