Chapter Nineteen Cecelia

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After weapons, we have Transformation Class, and today we learned how too walk as our animal. By the end of class I could walk around the classroom and flutter a little and jump up and down. Emily was able to pounce on things, and run a bit...before falling down. Well, at least I made some progress. Then, we had Elemental powers class, and we learned a few things:
-How to make a shield with your element
-How to hide inside your element
-How to create little bits of your element (for me it was mini tornados.)

After class is dinner, and oh boy Hazel and Rachel are back... And they're mad. They have their uniforms back on.... And no makeup! At all! They both look like completely different people! They both look down, eat almost nothing for dinner, and sit alone in a corner. What happened to them? I have no time to think about that because our table is called up for dinner. I grab a piece of steak, some mashed potatoes and gravy, and some sourdough bread. Then I sit back down and start eating. Taj, Emily, Zayne and Julia join me soon after, and we all talk kind of awkwardly, but all try to act normal. After dinner, I decide that I want an early sleep, so I go into my room, and decide, after putting on my pajamas, that I would go on my balcony for the first time, and maybe write out there. So I grab my jacket, and my journal, along with a pen, and open the balcony doors. The view is spectacular! I can see the whole campus spreading out before me, and little people coming out of the mess hall to their towers. I can see the earth tower, the fire tower and the water tower! After a few minutes of admiring the view, I sit down and write in my journal. I lie down in my bed when I am done, and fall asleep, not even being disturbed by the go to bed announcement.

The next morning I wake up to the get up announcement again. I decide to go a little rebel, and shower, curl my hair, do a smokey eye, and put on a darker shade of red lipstick. Then I put on a bit of pale concealer, get dressed, grab my bag, a hairbrush and the lipstick, and I leave for breakfast. Apparently, I'm not the first one here. Julia, Zayne and Emily are already eating, so I grab some cereal and orange juice and join them.
"ⒽⒺⓎ !"
I say.
"What's up?''
"The sky!"
Emily jokes.
Says Zayne.
"Not funny."
"Actually, Hazel and Rachel are back..."
Says Julia.
"I know!"
I reply.
"They really seem upset..."
I continue.
"Ya, I think they got punished for doing something wrong."
Says Emily.
"Well, yesterday they both came in without wearing their uniforms."
I say.
"You mean naked?!"
Says Zayne. I bet he's just joking, but still, that's weird!
I cry.
"NOT NAKED. Just wearing... Other stuff."
Says Zayne. Just then Taj joins us, and we all eat in comfortably uncomfortable silence until the bell rings.

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