Chapter 3

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JC returned to the hotel an hour later than he had planned. Allistar was not in the hallway when he got up the stairs. Rushing to his room, he fished in his pocket for the room key card. Loud voices and shouting were coming from behind the door. He could tell one of the voices was Johnny. "What do you mean you don't know where he is?" Johnny yelled. JC heard Chris and Justin's voices but was not able to tell what they said. A door at the end of the hallway closed and a familiar figure walked towards him.

"You look like a deer caught in the headlights. Is this all about you? I saw you leave this morning. Naughty, naughty JC, you should know better." Alex moved closer and shook her finger at him. Before he could answer, she grabbed the key card out of his hand and swiped it through the lock. The room fell silent as the door opened.

"Hey, good morning." Alex cheered into the room. Three somber faces turned towards her.

"Alex," Johnny began, "Do you know where JC is?"

"Oh yeah, he's right here." Alex looked back at JC and gave him a look that said get your ass in here. JC entered the room, hanging his head.

"JC! Where the HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Johnny shouted. JC put his hands out and began to defend himself, but before he could start a sentence, Alex was talking.

"He was with me. I picked up some new clothes but the pants needed to be shortened before JC is able to wear them for the next concert. So I thought I'd get him to try them on and I could work on them in transit. Sorry to cause so much trouble." She shrugged and then patted Johnny on the arm. "Next time, I'll let you know." She smiled sweetly. Johnny let out a slow breath and then looked at the other two sitting in the room.

"I'll see you all on the bus in half an hour." He turned on his heel and left. Chris got up from the bed and dragged his bag across the floor.

"Well, after that rude awakening, I'm going for a shower." He touched JC's arm lightly on his way by. "Everything all right?" JC nodded. Chris went into the bathroom and closed the door.

The silence that followed was very uncomfortable. Alex could see that Justin wanted to talk to JC alone. "I uh I'm gonna go and um do that...thing I have to do." She leaned down to kiss Justin on the cheek. "I'll see you later, kay?" He squeezed her hand and nodded. On her way by JC, he flashed her an eternally grateful look and let out a sigh. Once she was gone, Justin glared at JC accusingly.

"JC where were you really this morning?"

"You heard Alex. I was with her." Justin stood up and jabbed his finger into JC's chest.

"I was with Alex this morning." He whispered, emphasizing on the I. "We can't keep covering for you like this. At least you could tell us what is going on." Justin folded his arms over his chest and waited for JC to explain. His expression softened. "Come on JC, we've been friends forever. I'm just worried about you. You seem withdrawn lately, and now this disappearing act! Can't you tell me anything?" JC still did not answer. "Okay, just promise me that when you do need someone to talk to, you'll knock on my door." JC nodded. Justin gave him a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder and left the room.


Alex sat down at the table beside Chris and reached for a sandwich on the large platter in front of him. "Justin said you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yeah, I did." Chris replied and took another bite of his sandwich. After he carefully chewed and swallowed, he took another bite of his lunch without saying anything.

Alex swatted him on the arm and glared at him. "Chris, Dammit! If you don't start talking, I'm going to staple your tongue to the wall!"

He grinned playfully, "Okay, okay, I was just trying to eat in peace." Alex raised her left eyebrow shifted her chair so that she faced him. "I've been thinking about you singing more."

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