Chapter 12

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The next day was a flurry of activity. Carey watched as the guys rehearsed and then was whisked away back to the hotel by Justin and Lance for lunch. JC had stayed behind with Alex for her rehearsal. Carey had wanted to stay and hear Alex's song but Justin and Lance insisted she return with them to the hotel. Shae met Carey early in the afternoon to help her with her hair and make up. Alex caught up to her there.

Shae finished with them in just enough time to get ready and meet the group in the lounge for drink before they left. Carey and Alex went down to the lounge together. They wanted to surprise Justin and JC. And surprise them, they did. Justin was absolutely speechless when he spotted Alex descending the stairs. He elbowed JC, who was leaning on the bar, to turn around. JC's eyes widened at the site of the two ladies giggling at a shared private joke as they entered the room. JC and Justin both went over to meet them.

"Alex, you" Justin held her out at arm's length to study her again. Alex laughed.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

Carey blushed as JC kissed her on the cheek and took her hand in his. "I'm amazed!" He whispered. "Every time I see you, you never cease to amaze me."

They arrived at the venue in a white limo. The screaming fans and flashing cameras nearly made Carey want to stay in the car, but JC's warm hand on the small of her back comforted her. A few girls screamed at her about the photos in the tabloid but Alex told her to ignore them. Once they were seated and had a glass of wine, she had relaxed a little.

Lance spotted Britney Spears and waved her over to their table. "You get her in a headlock and I'll get the cheetos." Alex whispered to Carey, who turned three shades of red. Lance introduced Britney to Carey as he took a seat between him and Alex.

"Nice to meet you Britney." Carey smiled and shook her hand. "Will you be performing tonight?"

"Yes, I'm singing What you See."

Conversation flowed freely throughout dinner. Carey was more and more relaxed as the night wore on. She, Alex and Britney had made Lance switch seats so they could talk girl talk. Carey and Britney found out that they had a lot in common. An emcee announced the beginning of the program and Britney, soon after, excused herself from the table to go prepare for her performance. As soon as she returned, JC stood up and let everyone know it was time for them to get ready. He quickly kissed Carey on the cheek and turned to Britney. "Take care of her for me." He said with a wink.

Right after Nsync performed, Alex excused herself to the prepare, leaving Carey and Britney alone at the table.

"Are you enjoying yourself tonight?" Britney asked.

"Yes, this is really fun." Oh please don't say something stupid. "How long have you known Josh?"

"Oh a long time, ever since the Mickey Mouse Club."

"Oh really? Got any bad stories about him?"

"Oh yes-"

"No, she doesn't have any bad stories about me." JC interrupted, returning to the table after their song. Britney giggled.

"Yes, I do!" Britney exclaimed. JC tried to give her a stern look but couldn't keep the corners of his mouth from turning up. "I'll give you my phone number, we'll talk later." She whispered to Carey, loud enough for JC to hear.

"Where is Alex?" Justin asked Carey, scanning the room for a glimpse of her orange dress.

"She had to get ready. She thought she'd see you backstage." Carey explained. Justin sighed and sat down. The lights lowered again and the crowd grew quiet.

Justin caught his breath as his eyes followed the stream of light. The spotlight shone to the stage where Alex stood. She was wearing orange and black monarch butterfly wings that sparkled in the light. The music started and she swayed her body to the melody. "She looks so great." Carey whispered to Josh.

"Just wait, you haven't heard her sing." Josh whispered back.

"Yes, I have. She is amazing. I-"

"Shhh." Josh interrupted her with a kiss. "You haven't heard her song this song yet." He covered her hand in his and directed his attention back to Alex on the stage. She looked a little nervous but she covered it well. Still swaying to the music, she lifted her microphone to her lips and began to sing.

Leaves float on the autumn breeze

Bringing back sweet memories

My hand held so safe in yours

You lifted me up

Pointing in the distance

You showed me

Autumn Butterflies

Autumn Butterflies

I remember the talks we had

I recall our times together

I remember everything

But most of all

I remember

Autumn Butterflies

Autumn Butterflies

Carey's hand flew to her open mouth and she drew her breath in sharply. She sat like this, eyes glued to Alex for the rest of her performance. Mesmerized by what was taking place in front of her. Frozen.

Your love rained down everywhere.

Autumn Butterflies

Carrying kisses on their wings

Autumn Butterflies

Whispering 'I Love You' in the wind

Autumn Butterflies

Autumn Butterflies

The music faded out as Alex bowed and walked off the stage. Chris, Lance, Joey and Britney stood and clapped. Justin whistled. JC watched for Carey's reaction. She was still sitting on the edge of her chair, hand clamped over her mouth, eyes still focused on the stage, with tears streaming down her face. JC sat back down beside her and put his hand on her thigh.

"Honey?" He began to second guess his decision to secretly have Alex sing one of Carey's poems. Especially one about her grandmother. What were you thinking? She hated it! Why didn't I ask permission? He silently screamed at himself. "Carey, did you like it?" He whispered, almost afraid of her answer.

"Josh, that was beautiful." He picked up a clean dinner napkin and dabbed at the tears that shone on her cheeks. "I can't believe you did this!"

"Are you surprised?" He asked hopefully.

"Surprised!? I'm...I'm...speechless!"

Britney took her seat beside Carey. "That was beautiful. You wrote that?"

"Yeah, I guess I did." Carey replied.

"We gotta talk girl. If you can write like that!"

JC grinned. "Hands off Britney! Her writing talents have already been spoken for." He teased.

"Yeah, by me!" Everyone turned to see Alex standing behind them. Justin kissed her as everyone congratulated her on her performance. She sat down and thanked them, and turned back to Britney and Carey. "Britney and Justin already knew this but I'm opening for Britney on her next tour." She announced. Chris let out a whoop.

"That's fabulous Alex! Congratulations." Carey said.

"I have room for three more tracks on my debut album reserved for your writing, and for JC so the two of you can be co-conspirators." Alex looked from Carey to JC and back to Carey again.

JC reached down and squeezed Carey's hand. "I don't think writing is the only facet in which we'll be in partnership!" As he brought her closer to him, Carey could feel the butterflies in her stomach flutter wildly. She smiled to herself. After all, where would she be without butterflies?


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