Chapter 8

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"Hi Alex. How's your day so far?" JC asked. Alex was flipping through another stack of songs that Chris had brought her.

"Not so great, JC. How about your day?"

"Oh you know." He waved his hand flippantly. "How come you're having a bad day?"

"I have looked over these songs a hundred times and I still can't find a third one that I like. Chris thinks I should have at least three for a demo and he wants to start as soon as we get back to Orlando in two weeks. That doesn't give me much time to be ready to go into the recording studio."

JC watched her page through the songs for a minute. Then he turned and left the room. Alex came to the bottom of the stack of papers and looked hard at the last page. She couldn't remember reading through that song before. Maybe she had and forgotten about it. No, she wouldn't have forgotten a song like this. She stood up from the couch and ran out of the room to chase down JC. She found him at the back of the tour bus playing on his keyboard. She leaned down and kissed his cheek. JC stopped playing and touched his cheek where she had kissed him. "What was that for?" He looked at her curiously.

"JC, I found your present."

JC feigned innocence. "Present?" Alex whacked him with the paper and set it on the music stand on his keyboard.

"Play the music. I'll sing. I really think you've done it." Without an answer, JC began to play the music that Alex had only heard once before, in the very same room. When JC finished playing after the last verse, he looked up at Alex with wide eyes.

"You sang it exactly as I imagined." Alex hugged him and giggled.

"I have to go tell Chris that I found the last song! JC you're a genius!" Alex hopped up and left the room.


Carey's world seemed to have spun out of control ever since the day she watched the interview on MTV. She found it really strange that she had fallen for JC so quickly and that he had returned the feelings for her. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined the passion that he had shown her truly existed. She could be having the worst day of her life and one two-minute phone call from him would completely turn her mood around.

JC was beginning to get restless from being in the recording studio. They had been home from the tour for two weeks. He was glad to see his family and have a bit of normalcy back in his life but every spare moment was spent thinking about Carey.

JC had spent four days of his vacation time in the studio with Alex working on her demo.

"And then I said to him not until you bark like a seal. And then the little green alien asked me to have his love child. And I said I couldn't because I was already betrothed to bigfoot and we're getting married next week in the chapel of love in Vegas. So then he offered me a million dollars to move to mars with him. I need your opinion. Do you think I should go? I mean it's a million bucks but I'm not sure what the shopping is like on the red planet." Alex grinned at JC's dreamy expression from where she was siting in the sound booth. "JC! Are you listening to me?" Alex's voice jarred him back to reality.

He smiled bashfully at her from behind the glass of the sound booth and answered her. "Yes, I'm listening."

She crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes. "Then answer my question."

"Yeah, You and Justin in Vegas. Sounds like fun." JC pretended to be preoccupied with the panel in front of him. I don't know what shopping is like on...on..." JC's forehead wrinkled and his eyes met Alex's through the glass. "Mars? What are you talking about Lex?"

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