The battle of mission city

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Iron hide pov

           so Riley is the new All spark how am I suppose to protect her from that now I will just have to find a way I still cant believe it Soundwave is Riley's father we are driving and optimus  and the others show up and drive with us I sense two Decepticons gaining on us I use the communications network and contact optimus.

"I have the allspark optimus."

"ok keep it safe."

"one more thing the allspark chose Riley as it's new form and Soundwave is with us."

"ok we have to find a way to get Riley as far away from Megaton as fast as possible." I hear Soundwave's voice.

"I grabbed the allspark cube when we were leaving."i hear sound wave respond.

"ok so here's the plan the Decepticons still thank that the allspark is the cube so we are going to protect that to make him thank that the allspark is the cube but Soundwave is going to hide Riley iron hide you are going to take the cube."

"are you Shure  I shouldn't do it optimus." 

"I trust Soundwave iron hide."

"ok but I don't like it." he pulls over when we go under a bridge Soundwave pulls over too they both change in to there human forms and iron hide and I both get out of his car form and walk over to Soundwave he is holding a smaller version of the allspark he hands the allspark to iron hide and I walk to Soundwave.

"don't let anything happen to her or I might do something worse to you." Soundwave glares at him.

"iron hide calm down I can handle my self." I turn and walk to Soundwave's vehicle form and get in Soundwave makes his human form disappear and we start driving when more Decepticons show up and start fallowing us iron hide speeds up and right when the Decepticons were going to attack optimus prime and the others show up to protect us Soundwave makes a sharp right off the freeway to the off ramp a few Decepticons fallowed us we head in to a town Soundwave tries to lose them but it doesn't work.

"ok this is what is going to happen I am going to make a turn and stop you are going to wait for ratchet to show up and get away with him." he pulls over I jump out and run in to one of the buildings I hear fighting then the door opens and I see a medium sized man run in he has long black hair and blue eyes I put up my arms and they start glowing I point them at him.

"hay don't shot it's me jazz  ratchet got tied up so they sent me instead." I put my arms down and they stop glowing.

"ok lets go." we run out to his car form I open the door and slide in he floors  it out of the little town to the freeway I see a sing New York two miles we get to new York he stops in front of Sam and Mikala and bumblebee are bee had his legs blown off jazz stops and I jump out of jazz and run  over to Mikala and Sam one of the army men walk up to Sam who loses all the color in his face he hands him the allspark I walk up to them and the army man sees me and does a double take.

"what are you doing here you are suppose to be miles away from here?!"

"jazz drove me here."

"ok we need you hidden now." I walk over to bumblebee and touch his hand and his legs grow back I back up and stair at my hands. 

"did I do that?" bumble bee shakes his head yes and stands up and runs off to fight I look off on to one of the buildings and see jazz trying to fight Megaton I see him rip jazz in two peace's.  

"No Jazz!" I scream and megaton looks right at me I hear him laugh and change in to a fighter jet the army man looks where I am and sees megaton one of the other solders looks where I am.

"will we need to move now!"  will turns and sees megaton he grabs my arm and drags me along with his solders running behind me trying to keep up we run in to a building to hide.

"how do your powers work?"

"I don't know." will turns to his men

"ok I am going to leave you with Epps, graves, Ki get her out of the city she is the one thing we cant let megaton get." three solders walk forward.

"ok miss lets get you out of here." I walk off with the three solders we get out side when I get picked up by a big metal hand I turn and see who grabed me it's Megatron I struggle in his hand but it only gets harder to breathe I put up my arm to hit him
"Let her go!" Optimus runs at Megatron  and tackles him in to a building his grip on me loosened and I start falling to the ground that is when another metal hand stops my fall I look up to see iron hide is who saved me.

"iron hide get Riley out of here now!" megaton hits optimus then runs at us iron hide takes out his cannon and shoots at megaton he only hits him twice he grabs me tight and picks up the soldiers that were with me and runs right when optimus gets up and punches him in the face we get a safe distance away he puts us all on the ground.

"stay here I will come to get you when it's safe." he runs back in to the fight we wait for him when star scream shows up and grabs me  I put my arms up they start glowing I fill energy building up in my arms I let it go it hits him in the chest I see his eyes turn dark and we start to fall I close my eyes when something stops our decent I open my eyes and see Soundwave he looks like he has bean shot a few times he throws star screams body off me he falls to the floor.

"take me to megaton and optimus."

"no he will kill you."

"I know what to do to end this."

"no" but its already to late I see optimus and megaton fighting behind us he sets me down I look at him with tears in my eyes.

"it's ok I will be back." I run past him and he turns and sees optimus and megaton fighting he runs after me I get to them before him megaton picks me up I put up my arms and fill the energy building up again when I cant hold it any more I let the energy blast go and it hits him in the chest his eyes go dark an we start falling again I fill light headed I thank I used too much power I close my eyes.

iron hide  pov

            I grab Riley before she hits the ground all the Decepticons get away, I look her over she cant be dead please be ok.

"Ratchet!" ratchet comes running  and sees Riley he scans her.

"she is fine just used her powers too much she is sleeping." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in Bumblebee walks over to us with jazz's body ripped in half Sam and Mikala with him.

"we tried to save him but he was to far gone."

"oh jazz we lost a good comrade today but gained new ones ."

"optimus I would like to continue to be the guardian of Riley.

"of cores old friend." we all transform in to our vehicle forms but ratchet takes jazz and we head back to Sam's house.

(a few weeks later)

a lot has changed in a few weeks we have our own base on earth and Riley had to come with us in order to protect her and sound wave has become a part of the Auto bots and optimus also sent a message to all the other auto bots to come to earth.

well this is the end of the first book and I am currently working on the next one but I don't know when it will be up.

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