First day

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I am the twin sister of Emma Carstairs. My name is Emily Carstairs. We aren't identical but we are very similar in profile and just how we act. I don't remember her very much only of what grandpa Jem and grandma Tessa tell me. I grew up as an only child, or as I knew. I was ordinary. It was only one day that twisted my whole world around.

"Emily, sweetheart, can you start packing your bags." Tessa said opening the door. My grandparents looked like they were both in their mid twenties and I was only 17. On the outside, it didn't seem quite possible. It was their little secret they never shared with me, along with many other secrets I don't know about.

"Ugh, why?" I said, rolling my eyes. Typical teen, am I right? Not for long though.

"Your grandpa and I are going, erm, somewhere and we are leaving you with a family to take care of you." She said with a sweet smile. I smiled back and tried not to act icky like I usually do. They go somewhere about every few months and come back every few months. I nodded and grabbed a suitcase from under my bed.

"Pack all of your things, please." She said, like trying to give a kid some candy after their balloon popped. I looked at her trying to get her to budge and tell me where she's going, but she stood there motionless.

"Okay, Tessa." I said, I preferred to call them by their names, they never really looked like grandparents. She gave one last look at me and left closing the door. I huffed and looked around. Even since I didn't have a lot of things, this was going to take a little over an hour. I bit my lip and thought to myself, if you're quick then you'll get to meet this family and then be done with. I nodded and smiled at the thought. I packed as quickly as I could and it only took me about 30 minutes. I let out a breath of relief and went downstairs where I heard beautiful violin music. Jem, I thought. I walked downstairs with my two luggage cases and put them by the front door.

"Emily, can you come over here dear?" I nodded and cautiously took steps toward Jem and Tessa sitting at the dining room table.

"Listen, we're going to be gone awhile. We can't take you with us and you're going to stay here in L.A. with a family. When we come back, you can't live with us anymore." Jem said, not looking me in the eyes, as if he were embarrassed. My mouth was open in shock.

"We're sorry, Emily, we're going to miss you." Tessa said giving me a hug.

"Don't worry, Emi, we're going to meet again. It's just going to be after you find out who you really are." Jem said, apologetic.

"I'm going to miss you guys." I said quietly. They were more like my friend rather than family, I love them so much. I gave them both each a hug, one at a time, then a group hug. Tessa had a cloth out, dabbing her eyes full of tears.

"We better get going." I said, my voice cracked. Jem nodded and helped me take my items to the car. I looked out to the house I will never live in again.

About an hour later, we arrive to this castle. It was astonishing. The building was made to look like the ocean and it overlooked the bright green sea. The spirals decorated the outside along with gravel and seashells.

"Wow, This is where I'll be living?" I asked excited. They must be a rich family. They nodded and started to quietly talk to themselves.

I caught a little of their conversation.

"Why can't we take her with us?" Tessa whispered, wiping her eyes.

"Remember, if we take her, they'll strip her marks and make her a mundane." Jem whispered, urgently. Tessa nodded in remembrance. We came to a full stop and I got out. I got both back from the trunk and set them aside. I went up to the front window as it rolled down.

"This is goodbye." I said, trying not to choke on my tears I held back. I sighed and continued on, "I'm going to miss you, a lot." I said smiling. They nodded trying not to cry.

"Bye." I said, grabbing my bags. I walked up the gravel steps and looked back to wave but the car was gone. I sighed and walked up the path to a large oak door. I gave a small knock and waited for someone to open the door. I was looking at my shoes the whole time. When I looked up, there was a small boy, about 14 years old.

"Hi." I said to the boy.

"Hello." Said the boy, hesitantly.

His eyes went wide, then he ushered me inside.

"Julian! Emma!" He yelled up the stairs. A guy, my age, came down the stairs.

"What is it Ty?" He asked the boy, Ty. I believe he was Julian. Julian saw me and his mouth was open in shock.

"Don't keep your mouth open, you'll catch flies." I said smiling. Julian had beautiful blue-green eyes and had dark brown black hair. He was tall and had long slender fingers like Ty.

Julian stood there and then walked toward me.

"Emma, why do you have your bags packed?" He asked me.

"My name's not Emma." I said. He looked confused. Finally, a girl came down looking identical to me. She saw me and we were both confused. Emma walked up to me and we both held up a sapphire blade.

"Who are you? I asked you first." we both said at the same time. Then we looked at each other with a smile.

"Let me introduce myself," I said, "My name is Emily Carstairs. I used to live with Tessa and Jem Carstairs but they told me to come here and find out who I am?" I said the last part like a question. Emma, the girl, looked at me then smiled widely. She then tackled me in a hug.

"I missed you Emily." She said hugging me. I hugged her back. "I missed you too. I started to think I was an only child." I said, making us both laugh.

"What's going on?" Said Julian as if he was the leader.

"This is my twin sister, Emily Carstairs."

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