Dance Party Downer Probably Disappointed

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I quickly opened my door and closed it as the cubes sneaked into my hands. My smile broadened as I twiddled the cubes in my hands.

You know what time it is! Dance time!

I busted out my best moves until there was a knock at the door. I halted the my Hoedown Throwdown and tossed the cubes behind my back to land on my bed. They luckily bounced a couple of times and hid in between the pillows. If you really looked hard you could find them, but I planned to get this Dance Party Downer out before they could.

I opened the door to find my brother. Of course, he looked suspicious or maybe I imagined it because of his facial hair. "What's up..." Okay before I tell you my next action, I want you to know, I'm awkward in awkward situations. "...Dog?" I then crouch over and threw a peace sign out. Tony's suspicion turned slightly to relief.

"Glad to see your normal," he said and stepped all the way in. I then saw his eyes scan my room, as if he knew the cubes were with me. So I took a running start and leaped on the my bed, covering the cubes. However, I landed on one the wrong way and a pathetic 'ah' came through my lips.

Tony raised his eyebrows. He's barely said 5 words and I already screwed this up! "I'm just thinking of that one nursery rhyme. The one with the monkey and his friends dying!" I say and then laugh hysterically. "That's why I said ah, because I know it must have hurt. You know, dying."

"Carl, are you sure you are okay?" Tony asked. I took a breath and smiled. Sitting up, I made sure the cubes were out of the view of his wandering eyes.

"Just peachy keen, darling. What can I do ya for?" I finally ask.

Tony nods, "The team is going to fight Edgar Crow again."

"Really?" I demand. It came out stronger then most of my coffee. "Where is he?" Tony doesn't respond. "I don't even have my cubes, I can't go anyway."

"Iowa," Tony finally said but that was all.

"Wow, this guy really likes the Midwest," I pondered. I could feel the edge of the cubes digging into my skin through my pants but I smiled it off.

"Yeah, maybe the Children of the Corn will be there," Tony said, smiling to himself.

"Well, better keeps your ears open," I tried. "Ahh, Iowa and corn jokes."

"I have to go, are you sure you are okay with this?" Tony asked.

"Yeah bro. Swiggity swag man!"

Tony nodded. He seemed sad that I had this reaction, like he wanted me to want to be on the team or to fight with him but here I was, pretending like it was the best day of my life. Tony left my room and closed the door behind him. When I heard him walk away, I abruptly stood up and went to my closet.

"Jarvis, did Tony and I by chance program you to pick outfits out like Barbies robot in Barbie Life in the Dream House?"  I asked.

"I do not think so, Ms. Caroline."

"Gosh darn. Remind me to do that. I have an outfit to plan," I said. "Muhahahahahaha" I manically laughed but then I started to cough and stopped that.

After digging through my closet I found an old Halloween costume. I actually used it for being Violet from The Incredibles when I was 14. It was a tad bit baggy and vibrant red Spandex with a black pair of pretend underwear over it and a black mask, boots, and a taped black i. The suit used to be a vibrant red but after Halloween night, I threw the suit in the washer with just a couple pieces of that white taffy and it turned into an orangey-pink color. I put on the suit and let me tell you, I grew into it. I found boots that were limited edition combat boots that went just below the knees. But there was still something missing.


Oh! That was the toaster. After grabbing the toast, I ran back to my room and grabbed the cubes while shoving the browned bread in my mouth. I then ran to the lab and found my homemade black jacket. I think I constructed it because I was feeling real grudge. The thing with the jacket was it was bullet proof, had some neat tricks, had a fluff ton of pockets, and was the bomb diggity. I put it on and looked in the mirror. "Are you talkin' to me? I'm the only one here. Who the fluff do you think you're talking to?" I asked myself in the mirror, laughed, and left.

I ran through the tower and found the Quinjet. You may be wondering, 'Carl, why wouldn't you use the cubes?' That's a good question reader but you see, I have no idea how far the cubes range goes an will be tested for another day. Anyways, once I saw the Quinjet quickly moonwalked. Well it was Quinjet Mark 1/2. Tony designed it but them made the main one, and let this one sit. I climbed in it, and turned the Jarvis setting on. "Hello Ms. Caroline," Jarvis said, "It's been awhile since you flew a plane."

"It's like riding a bike," I told him. I turned on the switches so the electric motor would cause the main turbine shaft would spin. Soon, the fuel started to fill up and little Quinn started to roar. When I got off the ground, I relaxed a bit and turned autopilot on to head for Iowa. I grabbed the cubes out of my pockets and held them, staring at them.

All of a sudden, I was shaking along with the rest of the plane. An alarm was  screaming in my ears and I stood up. But after that I immediately regretted my decision because the shaking caused me to fall on my tush. I gripped the pilots chair and tried to look out the window. And just for a second, I made solid eye contact with the Edgar Crow and his dumb, stupid-head smile.

And I have him the pinkie finger.

Soon enough, the plane started to crumple into a ball and it was ready to be LeBron-ed into the recycling bin.

Uh oh Spaghetti-o's

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