princess||grayson(pt. 1)

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You fumbled with your thumbs as you patiently waited for you name to be called. You always hated waiting rooms. But you made an exception for this one. Today was the day you'd be interviewed by the executive administrator of Harvard Law University. You had been put on the waiting list two months ago. You made numerous calls to the school for the past couple weeks because you simply would not settle for any other universities. You've dreamed about this school for as long as you can remember. The board of the school finally decided you could earn your way in by going through a series of interviews. This would be the first of many so it was essential that you made a good first impression. As you flip through the papers in the manila folder for the millionth time since you got there, the door to who you assume belongs the executive administrator, opens with a slight creek and a very petite, professional looking lady steps out of the door frame. The door is only opened enough to see a burgundy colored desk that's finely polished and the back of a tall figure. Male. He's looking out the window smoking what looks like a very expensive cigar. The lady fixes her glasses and slid her pointer finger to find a specific spot on her brown clipboard. To your delight, she calls out your last name. You stand up rather excitedly with your paper filled folder and skip-walk to the slightly opened door. The lady gives you a warm smile, probably admiring your enthusiasm. She opens the door wider so you could step into the extravagant looking office. But I guess that's what you'd expect to see since he is the head of the entire school here. He was still looking out of the window when you made your way over to his desk. You took this moment to take in the view of the man in front of you. Shiny black dress shoes, navy blue suit. Gold watch on his right hand. He must be left handed then. As your eyes made their way up his magnificent body, you notice his impeccable jaw structure and perfectly styled hair. You wondered why he worked for an organization like this, instead of a modeling company. After what seems like decades of you starring, his assistant clears her throat, snapping you back to reality. She gestures towards the chair in front of his desk and you take a seat. She says she'll be out in the waiting room when you're done with the interview. You thank her and she leaves the room. There's a long pause of silence after she's gone. The man still has his back towards you, cigar now almost finished. You place your folder on his desk and wait a couple more seconds to wait to see if he was going to talk first. You take a deep breath and open your mouth to introduce yourself when he cuts you off. "I know who you are." He takes one last drag of his cigar before putting it out in a nearby ashtray. You can't help but appreciate the way his lips puker up around the end of the cigar then relax as he exhales the surprisingly thick smoke. You smile and extend your hand. "Its a pleasure to be here, Mr.....?" You feel embarrassed that you didn't even know his name before you walked in. "Dolan" he says flatly, his attention still glued to the outside surroundings. You bring your hand back to your side, smile slightly fading.
"Why are you here today?" He asked finally turning around only to lean against the window frame. This was the first time you got to glance into his eyes. The color resembled something like a lightly toasted chestnut. You decided right then that it was your new favorite color.
"I'm here so you can interview me, Sir." You answer back slightly confused. You see his jaw slightly clamp while his roll and he crosses his arms across his chest. "Well I know that. Give me a real reason. You could be anywhere in the world. So why here?"
You take a second to think about an answer that isn't terribly obvious. You look back up at him when you think of something to say. "I'm here because I want to chase my dreams." You sit up straighter, mentally patting yourself on your back. Truthfully you thought it was a good enough answer. Your one-man parade was rudely interrupted by a sarcastically fake yawn from the man. You were taken back and was slightly offended by his reaction.
"Listen, princess. This is a place for business and serious applicants. Not dream chasing" he says emphasizing on the last part. By now you were definitely offended. Your anger causes you to stand up abruptly.
"Look" you start, placing your hands on his desk "I've worked my ass off my entire life just to step foot on this campus. The least you can do is take this damn interview seriously" You've worked yourself up so much that your breathing has increased and you feel slight moisture on your palms.
Mr. Dolan stands there with a smirk plastered on his lips, thumb and index finger rubbing the end of his chin.
"You're an aspiring lawyer, correct?"
"Yes.", you retort back.
"Convince me that I should let you in then.", he answers back repositioning himself so that he is fully facing you. The smug look on his face pisses you off, but turns you on immensely at the exact same time.
You take another deep breath and open your mouth to start but he cuts you off, yet again.
"If you're going to waste my time with some sappy bullshit story about your life and other nonsense then you can leave right now." You raise both of your eyebrows, extremely offended.
"I came here because law is the only thing I've wanted to be apart of my whole life. It's all I can think about. Its all I'm good at, Sir. And if pure passion and desire isn't what you look for, then it's my time that's been wasted. Not yours.", you never raise your voice to an authority figure, but today was a first for a lot of things. Your breath has gotten exceeding faster and your hands are now fists by your sides.
He stands up only to lean over the desk, resting his weight on his hands. God those hands were beautiful. Just like everything about him.
"Oh c'mon, Princess. I bet there's other things you're good at." he says, voice now down to a raspy whisper. The nickname he had given to you left a forgein feeling lingering in your body. Oddly enough, you kind of liked the feeling.
"I'm not sure I'm following you." You say, giving him a confused look. He walked around his desk and made his way behind you keeping a good distance between you too. His steps were silent but you could fully feel his presence as he closed the gap. You took in his musky scent as he used his fingers to lightly tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear before whispering, "I think you know....exactly what I'm talking about."

a/n: AYY LMAO. Hope you guys enjoyed this lil imagine i put together. The second part will be up very very soon. Until then, follow me on Twitter!! Same user as here.

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