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Ok, I know the history can be annoying, but the Chihuahuas is actually quite interesting, even if it isn't in a action-packed movie. Chihuahuas were made around the time Columbus came to South America. 

Ok now, the Indians had dogs(of course), but the different part about some of these dogs were that they were small. The dogs were called Tenchichi. Weird name, right? Well the Chihuahua was somewhat named after them, with the similar repeating letters in huahua and chichi. Tenchichi looked exactly like a Chihuahua, except for longer legs. One of the biggest differences about them though was that the Tenchichi couldn't bark (oh, don't try looking up Tenchichi for sale or Tenchichi on Google images. They became extinct along with the first Indians.) The Tenchichi were thought to be the lifelong friend of the owner of the dog because they were so friendly. The dog was often killed with the owner because it was thought that the Tenchichi would "protect" or take all of the owner's sins so that the owner had a safe passage into the afterlife because it was such a protective dog, like the Chihuahua is now. Back then if the owner died then they would take the Tenchichi and kill it to protect the soul. I doubt any of us would want to do that today, but that was the thought back then. The main Indian people that had them were the Toltecs. They were also sometimes used for food, or as a delicacy according to Hernando Cortes saying "There were enormous markets with daily more that six thousand souls buying and selling" where many animals were being sold including "rabbits, hares, venison, and small dogs which the castrate for the table"  He lived around the 1500's.

Then come along the new people, with there contraptions and fancy small dogs, while all the Indians have is there little hairless Tenchichi. They thought the new dogs looked better, but the still loved there little dog's attitude so they cross bred them with small dogs from Africa and Europe, possibly including the Chinese crested, the Pomeranian, and rat terrier. The Chihuahua still maintained a lot of the Tenchichi dog though, and that is one thing that makes the Chihuahua so different from any other dog. The small- dog attitude and the I rule personality.

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