"Types" of Chihuahuas

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Now, most people have Chihuahuas, but the newer owners won't know what "Type". There are so many colors, and most people know there colors, but there is more to a Chihuahua than just colors, right? Yes!!!

First of all, the head. There are two different types of Chihuahua heads. The apple and the dome. The apple head is normally smaller and rounded than the dome head. The apple head just looks more squished. The dome head has a more round look, somewhat like a bounce ball. They are very rounded.

Next, the molera. Most people haven't herd of this part of a dog. It is specific only to the Chihuahuas, but not all Chihuahuas. The molera is a small spot in the middle of the Chihuahuas head where there is NO BONE!!! The reason why some Chihuahuas have them is because they are little, plain and simple. Think of a Chihuahua as a baby. Babies, to get out have there heads squashed. The same is for a Chihuahua, but the bones never grow together sometimes, forming the molera. If you want to know if your dog has a molera then GENTLY rub your finger against there forehead and if there is nothing hard in about the middle, there is no molera. If there is a hard bump there your dog doesn't have a molera. mostly only the smaller Chihuahuas have the molera.

Last of all is the teeth. Chihuahuas are small, but there teeth are smaller. This often causes problems with there teeth. This is the reason why Chihuahuas need there teeth brushed often. The teeth might also need pulled. There are a lot of problems that can happen.

Now that you know the differences between most Chihuahuas, read on!

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