How to somewhat care for a Chihuahua

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Brushing really matters on what kind of dog you have. Long or short hair? Long haired need brushing from between 4 to 3times a week. If you don't want to brush your dogs coat that much then get a short hair. They still need a little brushing from around once every two months, but at least it won't be that much. You should also look out for the stray plants from the yard, or wash them if they roll in "something".


Once again, it depends on he type of dog you get. Long hair might look pretty, but it is much more work. you will need to vacuum often and regularly, and possibly clean up and "do-do" if your dog isn't potty trained, which I think you should start doing at a young age.

Walks or yard space:

Just because it is a little dog doesn't mean they don't need space. Chihuahuas have a lot of energy, and because they are small means they don't need as much space, but they still need enough space to be able to run around.


cut your dos nails at least once a month. Your dog will eventually get used to it and stop struggling. Your Chihuahua is very delicate, so be careful!!! You don't want to hurt your dog!! 


Your Chihuahua loves to be loved, and loves you. Show your dog the affection they deserve. Always love your dog, no matter what you do, and don't stay angry at it for long! Look at the cute and loving face the have and your heart will just melt!


You will either sleep with your Chihuahua, or you will lock it up at night. If your dog is well trained then it can sleep with you. If not, lock it up so that it won't make a mess, and always make sure your dog has a space it can run to to be by itself. Otherwise it will possibly get aggressive with you. A small be or cage with a blanket on the floor will do just fine.

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