Chapter 2: Presented

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I woke up to see my body dragged across the metal floor. My right arm feels sore. I turned to see what was dragging me and I was shocked to see what it was. They are real!, I said to myself. The thing that was dragging me had giant, metallic armor. Its head had long, tentacle-like dreads. It had a large backpack-like structure on the back with a long cannon on top. It made a clicking sound that I instantly knew. "You're a predator" I whispered. The predator stopped to look at me. It cocked it's head in confusion to what I said. My heart stopped when we reached the end of the hall to a Closed door. The door opened to show some type of observation deck with a chair in the front. Computers were filled with images of me, earth, and some other planet I don't recognize. I'm thrown into the room. The door quickly sealed behind me before I could get up. I noticed my head on one of the computers and it showed the back of my head. "What the heck?!" I said in a scared tone. I touched the back of my head to see if it was the metal plate was there, but it wasn't there. I stood up and said with determination "Why am I here?". The chair spun at my direction and revealed an elder predator. He had armor that was like any other predator that I've seen. He. Wore a red cape, which I'm guessing due to elder status. He held his combistick on his right hand and his helmet on the other. His head was the same as any other, but he had quills around the edges of his head and had the ever famous scar on his head. Knowing all that I know about predators and their honor code thanks to Xenopedia, I instantly bended down on one knee and bowed my body forward. The elder spoke in a guttural voice"get up". I stood up quickly and waited for what else would happen.

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