Chapter 3: Acceptance

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The elder gripped my head with his hand. I didn't move cause one: his grip was too much for me to take away, two: I didn't want to piss him off. He tilts my head side to side. He lets go and I gasp for air. " Why did you do that?" He spoke back,"We have been watching you for a long time" My head started to hurt."How and Why?". I stood back up and faced him. His mandibles moving like crazy,"You're nature matches those of our own. You show honor, loyalty, and respect to others. You're own honor is discarded by the humans you meet on your transport ship, yet you do not fight back." My heart started to hurt with dread." It's true. I felt too weak to fight them and they keep
overwhelmed my mind". I started to break into a cry. The elder put his hands on my shoulder. I look up to see a determined look on his face." We have taken you from earth to train you in our ways to overcome your problems, but that is not all. It is fortold that a human is to be trained to fight for a future attack on your home planet by our greatest enemy". We both said in unison"the Xenonorphs". We both looked at each other. I said with worry "But will I have communication with my family?" He looks down at me."No, I know this might be hard, but we have set a clone to replace you". "This is gonna be the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but I will accept" I said painfully. I turned to the elder and nodded my head. "It is done then. You will become one of us. Welcome to the elder clan." 6 other predators come into view from behind. They surrounded me and bow down to me. They stand up and I bow in return for acceptance.

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