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A couple of days after i had been born, my parents were slaughtered, along with the rest of my pack.

Tensions had been rising in between the Golden Leaf and the Winter moon pack over the period of a year, and the day after i was born, our alpha had fallen sick to a mysterious desiese and died. The Golden Leaf's took the initiative and warned us to run, or be slaughtered without mercy. The Winter Moon pack was renowned for their many wins in battle, but even with that knowledge, we were fools to stay. My parents; fearful for my safety; quickly sent me off to the only only pack nearby; the Summer Breeze Pack; whom of which was neutral in this war. My home pack was slaughtered that night.

They gave me to a woman named Ellisa, who was the lowest rank of wolf, no better than a servant. She ignored me most of the time, only feeding me when my throat ached from crying, and when i was old enough to walk, the beatings began.

Shortly before my twelfth birthday she was sent out into a snowstorm in search of firewood. She never returned.

Many of us believed that she was taken by rougues, but the Alpha dismissed it as a simply running away. Nobody made an effort to search for her, and i was forced to take her place.

For five years i have cooked every meal for the pack, cleaned the entire house, completed their homework and daily chores, and submitted myself every night before bedtime to a beating from the Alph himself. Of course, he justified every single bruise.

"Breakfast was too hot."


"The clothes in my cupboard arn't sorted into both colour and length."


"My son said there was a wrong answer on his homework, and that you did it deliberatly."

Whack. Whack.

And then, filled with nothing but pain, and slowly losing my hope and heart, i would crawl into bed, sleep for three hours, before getting up and beginning it all again.

And so time went on, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, untill i was seventeen and my childhood had passed me by, slamming the door on it's way out.

I was broken, beaton, with no hope in the world.

My only escape was death.

Oh how i wished it would come soon.


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