Chapter Two

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*Johan Pov*

"Hey Johan! Are you ready to have some fun?"

I gazed around the crowded room, searching for where the voice had come from.

Right now, my welcome home party was in full swing, and while i enjoyed all the ruckus everyone was making, it was nearly one in the morning, and i was quite tired, though i would never admit it to anyone. I was the bad boy of the pack, my father's first born, the soon to be Alpha. I was also a renowned party animal, no pun intended, but i had been travelling all day, and wanted nothing more than a day or two of just sleep.

Hey, even big boys get tired.

I felt a pair of slender arms slide around my neck, and one sniff confirmed my thoughts. Sickly sweet honey. It was HoneyBear, the pack slut.

Yes, her name is HoneyBear. She insist we call her that, and so that's her name. Kinda fitting, as her current afterschool job is at the local strip club.

"I heard that you have a couple of motorbikes downstairs. Wanna show me? Or better yet, take me for a ride?"

Her voice dripped into my thoughts, surprisingly, just like honey, and i could feel myself get excited at the words she was uttering. I quickly pushed back my chair and excused myself from the table. To be honest, nobody was paying attention to me anyway. I mean, i knew next to nobody here, i had been gone that long. Six years. I had left a couple of days before i turned twelve, and therefore had no friends left here. The only peope i knew here really were my parents. But i did not want to think about them when i was about to get laid.

I quickly grabbed HoneyBear's hand and tugged her across the room, into the hallway and started heading up the stairs. She gave me a confused galnce as i continued to pull her along.

"I thought we were going downstairs?"

"I think my bed will be quite a nicer place."

She nodded, suddenly understanding, and as we reached the landing to my floor i stopped, frozen to the spot.

Drifting through the hallway of my family's level, was the most amazing smell. Vanilla milkshakes and strawberries. Usually, i don't like prissy things like that, but these two things were among my favourite foods and drinks, and this smell also had an amazing feminine smell to it.

At first i was too distracted by it to realise what it was, but then a piece of information i had always been told slipped through my mind.

"Your nose will lead you to your mate, all you have to do is follow the scent."

I had never understood what it meant, untill this very moment. And now i was excited. No, not like that, you dirty minded freak. -_-

My mind blosseming with the hope that i had finally found my mate, I dismissed the slut and with a huff she stomred downstairs, unaware of my reasons.

I cautiously sniffed the corridor, before creeping forward towards this door right at the end of the hall, from which the smell appeared to be eminating from. When i reached it, one sniff confirmed it.

I cautiously opened the door and peeked in, eagre to get a glimpse of my mate, before shutting it as quickly as i had opened it, slumping against the door, unable to believe my eyes.

My mate....was the pack's slave.

Filled with anger, disgust and dismay, i stubled down the hallway and into my room, slamming my door behind me.

How could this happen to me? How could fate be so cruel?


After a long night of no sleep and trouled thoughts, i eventually came to one conclusion.

My pack wasn't going to accept a slave as their luna, and my family would go nuts if i claimed her, and so i had one solution, and that was it.

I was to reject my mate.

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