Chapter One

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"Hurry the fuck up, servant. We havn't got all day! Johan will be here tonight, and this party isn't going to set itself up."

I quickly slid the pie i was baking out of the oven and dumped it on the bench, rushing over to rinse my burnt hands under some cool water. James, the Alpha's second born, had decided it was funny to rush my cooking, and then hide the hand towels i needed to use with the oven. As the cold water rushed over my already blistering hands, James walked over and spun me around, accidently splashing water on himself.

"See what you caused me to do?" He scowled at me, before a mischevous fire began to burn in his eyes.

"Know what you can do to make it up to me?" I felt one of his arms slide around my waisrt, before his hand roughly grabbed my butt, his other hand sneaking up to cover my mouth. When i tried to push him away, the fire in his eyes turned to lust, and i felt a snake rise at my hip. I quickly stopped moving, realising that if i didn't fight then he wouldn't have reason to "punish" as he saw fit.

So far, in all of the abuse that i had taken, not one was sexual. I had managed to preserve my innocence, and i was planning on keeping it that way.

Yes, i know that i was going to lose it someday, but i had planned on saving it for my mate.


My mate.

I hd always dreamed of my mate. He would come galloping up to the house in the middle of the night, shift into this hunk of a human, before breaking down the door, gently picking me up from my bed, bridal style, and taking me away to a life of love and hope.

"Are you thinking about the way you will feel when i ravage you, little girl?" I felt Jame's hot breath against my ear, and realised i must have let off an involuntary shiver of delight when i was dreaming about my mate. As i was not officially a part of the pack, they couldn't speak to me through the mind link, and they especially couldn't see my thoughts. Thank god for that. They would have laughed if they knew i dreamt of finding my soul mate, before beating me and yelling repeatedly that i didn't deserve one.

No, i am glad they don't know my thoughts.


I sighed internally in relief, before shoving James away and climbing onto the table and flicking off the fire alarm. When i moved to rescue the burning cake, i could feel Jame's eye glaring at my turned back, as he stormed out of the kitchen, thoughouly dissapointed. With one last sigh, this time out loud, i resumed my cooking at record speed, knowing i had a long day ahead of me.


Fixing the corner of the banner into place, i stepped down off the ladder and glanced around at the room, slowly filling with pride at what i had done. The entire room, previously a large dining hall, was now filled with a large variety of things to keep everyones interest all night long. First of all, the place was filled with a massive amount of balloons, a large variety of colours. Banners were up everywhere, all bearing the phrase, "Welcome home, Johan." The room was scattered with small round tales, seating about 7-8 at each, all set up elequently. And then, at one end, i had set up several pool tables and arcade games, and at the other there was a small stage, prepared for the return ceromony. I had to say, it all looked wonderful, and i was impressed at how much i had done in so little time.

Without me realising, the Alpha had burst through the doors and the room was filling with all the members of the pack, the noise suddenly becoming deafening. I quickly spun around and bowed to the Alpha, all happy feelings instantly gone. The Alpha quickly dismissed me, pointing me out of the room. I took the hint, and began to hurry off, before his wife, the Luna, caught my arm.

I turned to her kind face, which was wearing a little smile. She was the only person who had ever showed me compassion in my life, but only when nobody was looking or paying attention.

She quickly checked that no-one was watching, before opening her mouth to speak.

"It looks amazing for such a short time span to get ready. I'm impressed. Thank you, girl."

And then she was gone, wandering back over to her husband as if nothing had happened. I wandered out the door and up to my room, knowing that the Alpha would give me a second beating if i made myself seen tonight.

Once i reached my room, i slumped onto the bed, laying back and letting my thoughts wander.

The Luna had called me 'girl'. She always call me 'girl'. Once she had asked for my name, but nobody had ever told me what it was, so i was unable to answer, and so she called me 'girl', which i was completally fine with

Sometimes when i can't sleep, i stare up at the ceiling and dream of all the beautiful names that i could have been given. And that leads me to think of what my life would be like if i was still with my pack, if we had never been attacked.

If i had known what it is like to be loved.

I sighed and rolled over in bed, wiping the ter off my cheek in the process. I shouldn't be thinking of things like this. If anyone caught me crying, it would only be one more hit added to the beatings.

Think of happier things. Think of happier things, i willed myself.

The sound of a car pulling up outside distracted me well enough. Jonah must have arrived.

Hmmm. Jonah.

I had only heard about him. Throughout my upbringing, the pack was always gossiping about his many sporting achievments and his bravery when facing enemy packs. He was also the Alpha's first son,also next in line to be the leader of the pack. And of course, he was gorgeous, (or so i had heard).

Oh how i wished i could meet him. but of course, i knew i never would.

I leaned back in bed and shut my eyes, wishing for the sweet escape of sleep.

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