Chapter Five

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*Johan's Pov*

I shifted my body around, trying to get comfortale. Man, these library chairs were really terrible. It's a good thing that i rarely come in here.

To be honest, the only reason that i am here is that i wanted to talk to my brother. I needed to catch up with him, learn all about him, figure out his strengths and weaknesses so that, when the time came, he would be standing beside me.

I needed him for backup so that, when and if the pack found out i had rejected my mate, i could have someone behind me, supporting me, keeping me in charge.

Hopefully it would never come to that.

I gazed over at my brother and examined his face. He seemed impatient, and on edge. He obviously wanted to go do something, but i couldn't have that. I needed to keep him here, i needed to find out as much as i could in such a short amount of time. The pack could find out at anytime at all.

"So, brother, how was life without me? What did i miss? Nothing important, i hope." A smirk crossed my face at the last bit. Of course nothing important had happened, otherwise i would have come home to see how my father had sorted it out, me being the next Alpha in line and all.

A flash of anger passed through my brothers face when i smirked, and he clenched his knuckles together.

Something was wrong. Something was majorly wrong.

"James, what happened?" I asked cautiously. That anger was brought on way too quickly.

"Look, Brother." He spat out the words, as if they were contaminated. "While you were off playing junior Alpha at your stupid training camp, i was going through some pain. Some major pain."

I glanced at him, alarmed. "What on earth happened?"

"My mate, is what happened. I found her. I found the most wonderous girl in the entire world, and she said she loved me, and then do you know what she did?"

I sat there in silence. He was really pissed off. I have no idea why he was mad at me though. I didn't have anything to do with this.

"She ran away to anouther pack, and then mated with anouther wolf. When i had eventually recovered from the massive amount of pain and found her, she seperated us."

He choked out the last words and then buried his head in his hands.

I can't believe it. What a douchebag of a mate he had.

Oh wait, i was planning on doing that.

"Brother, why are you angry at me?"

He jumped to his feet and glared at me, his pupils turning blacker by the minute. He was struggling to keep his wolf in.

"Do you remember two years ago, when you recieved about eight letters from me, all begging you to come home? They said that i was going through a rough phase, that i wanted to be with the only person that i had ever been close to? You responded saying that you wanted to stay with your friends, that you were having too much fun to come cheer up your own brother!!!! That's why i am angry."

He stormed towards the door and tugged it open, stopping to give me one last glare.

"So no, nothing important happpened while you were away."

And then he was gone.

Geez, is he snippy about that. Why? As he said, it was two years ago. Why is he still so grumpy now, especially towards me?

What is his problem?


Hey guys. :) Thankyou for the great response that i have recieved so far about this story!!!! Thanks so much!

If you guys have any ideas about what could happen between any of the characters, then feel free to comment the ideas. :)

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I love you guys. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2013 ⏰

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