In Love With My Best Friend - Carolly Fanfic.

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"Thankyou for watching Xtra Factor 2012, It's been fun year and we've really enjoyed having you all on the show and we hope you have a lovely christmas and a very Happy New Year. A big congratulations to our winner James Arthur, good bye" 

As soon as the director said 'cut', i burst into tears and ran into dressing room, i'd never felt like this before. Minutes later, I heard a knock at my door, I didn't know whether to answer it or not? I shouted  'GO AWAY'  to the person who was standing there.

'Caroline darlin, it's only me, can I come in please?' Olly whispered.

I opened the door, and collapsed into ollys arms, crying into his chest. Olly then said that we should sit down and talk about it, and that's exactly what we did.

"Caroline whats the matter, you can tell me anything" 

"Olly, it's just that, I really am going to miss you when you go on tour in america, lifes not going to be the same when you're not with me"


As soon as we ended the show, Caroline ran out with tears streaming down her face, I ran after her straight away. When I approached Carolines door, I gently knocked on it. The door slowly opened, revealing Caroline with red puffy eyes. As soon as she saw me, she ran into my arms, and rested her lovely locks onto my chest.

''Caroline, whats the matter? You can tell me anything" I whispered.

"I really don't want you to go, how am I going to live without my best friend for six months'' Caroline sobbed. 

"Caroline babe, i'm only a phone call away, you know that."

We sat in a comfortable silence, until a fab idea came into my head.

"Caroline, come on tour with me?!" 

Caroline looked up at me. 

''I-I can't ." she stammered. 

"Course you can, it'll be a great laugh"

She looked up at me and smiled.

'"Are you sure about this Ols?"


Caroline nodded.

"Of course I will Ols." She giggled.

Our faces were getting extremely close, Caroline looked deeply into my eyes. My eyes flickered from her lips, upto her eyes. She slowly nodded. I pushed my lips onto hers. Our lips moved in sync. I could feel her smile into the kiss. I gradually pulled away. Caroline looked at me and smiled. When I stood up, I walked to the door and opened it. 

"Get Packing Cazza, i'll pick you up at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, Night!!" I said with a wink.


I sat in the dressing room in complete and utter shock. I think i'm slowly falling for Olly..

*****AUTHORS NOTE, This is my first fanfic so sorry if its abit crap, i promise it will get better!! ENJOY AND VOTE, COMMENT AND STUFF, THAAAAAANKSSS*******


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