Chapter 1

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Bethany had just gotten out of school and was on the bus with Demitrea. Bethany and Demitrea had just gotten into a fight about taco toppings. Bethany thought that tacos could be hard or soft shell but they could only have beef and cheese with no lettuce, tomato, or onion. Demitrea on the other hand thought that tacos could only have lettuce, tomato, onion, and chicken on nacho chips. Finally a critter named Kim said that the best way was to eat them through there nose. Eventually the whole bus was having a debate on how to eat tacos, what toppings, where to eat them, and when. Soon after taco shells were flying and people were making up word such as "CoCo" (Tribal Patrician Battle Cry) and "Bethalonians III will die!!!!"

When Bethany made it to the bus stop three houses from her own, she got out of the bus covered in beef, lettuce, grease, and guacamole. She walked into her house with melted cheese hanging from her hair and tortillas covering her feet. She went straight to the bathroom without saying anything to her mom. As she walked into the bathroom a critter named Princess (who was a cloud) began to chew at Bethany and eat the meat off of her. This attracted her mom's attention and she came through the kitchen door and took one look at Bethany and started laughing. Mrs. Gledhill ran over to the closet and grabbed a towel. She then started wiping Bethany down trying to get all the beef out of her ears, and cheese in her hair. After the percentage of taco food was off of Bethany, took a shower.

While taking a shower Bethany had realized she had slammed her fist filled with cheese and beef into Demitrea's face. She immediately got out of the shower and ran to Demitrea's house. As she was walking down the sidewalk she saw a critter, a male critter with dark brown to black hair. He was sauntering down the adjacent sidewalk going back to his house, Bethany presumed. She stared for a good thirty seconds then snapped out of it and kept walking to Demitrea's. Finally arriving at Demitrea's after being chased by three dogs and bitten by one on the calf because she still wreaked of taco meat, she had made it. She knocked three times on the door and said "Demitrea." Repeating this two more times, eventually Demitrea came to the door also smelling of tacos.

Demitrea had a smile on her face and came outside. Demitrea then took a plate of melted chocolate and smashed it into Bethany's face. Bethany fell backwards onto the grass and befuddle. Demitrea then walked over to Bethany, hunched over she said something so quiet not even an ant could hear it. Then Bethany said with a mouth full of chocolate,"What?" Demitrea then screamed,"April Fools!!!" Bethany then stood up scraped some chocolate off of her face and smeared it onto Demitrea. Not even a minute later both girls were covered in chocolate. The girls then went inside both grabbed a towel a started cleaning themselves.

Finally getting all the chocolate out of there hair and between there toes, Bethany and Demitrea decided to go to the park. Right before leaving the house Bethany stocked up on chocolate, chocolate milk, and chocolate ice cream. She stuffed them all into her pants that way Demitrea couldn't have any. As they were walking it became increasingly harder to walk for Bethany because of all of the chocolate products in her pants. This is when she decided to start eating the chocolate ice cream. While eating it Demitrea noticed and asked for some of the ice cream. Bethany Kneeled down, looked up at Demitrea with a grimace and hissed. Bethany then said," YOU SHALL NOT EAT!!!"

Demitrea being terrified just turned around and kept walking. Bethany being somewhat stubborn started mumbling to herself," She just thinks she is soo good, well, I'll show her, I'll show them,I'll show them all." Demitrea, still walking, began to question her friendship with a chocolatic, but Demitrea, being the good girl she was, didn't say anything;she just kept walking.

Once they got to the park Bethany had chocolate all over face. Bethany noticed that Demitrea had snuck a Twix bar in her back pocket. Bethany then ran over to Demitrea and tackled her. With a chocolate covered face, Bethany was foaming at the mouth as if she had rabies. She leaned in close to Demitrea's face as if she was going to bite her head off. She then yelled," You shall die!!" Directly after saying this Bethany raised her fist. Demitrea terrified under Bethany almost like she was about wet her pants struggling to move, but she couldn't. Then Bethany started to bring her fist to Demitrea's face and right before it hit she stopped. Bethany then said,"April Fools!!"

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