Chapter 4

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It was Tuesday night and  Bethany was eating dinner. She finished eating and was about to start her homework, but instead she realized that she had to watch "Dance Moms." She starts watching and gets caught up in the show, and then watching other shows. All of a sudden she realized how much time had gone by. It was 12:30 and she still hadn't done any homework. 

She immediately rushed over to her back pack and got all of her papers and books out. She first started doing Spanish and was finishing up but she realized that she was speaking Patrician. Then she did her science and had to sing the periodic table song to remember where Scandium was located. After science she  had History and she had to name the presidents in  order but got jumbled up at Ford, Nixon, and Carter, and Fillmore, Pierce, and Buchanan. She finally got through that and had to finish her essay for class when she realized she was spelling everything wrong. 

Finally all she had left was Math, and it was 1:59. She was starting to feel fatigued but tried to ignore it. She started doing it and stuck and confused several times. She was almost done she only had 5 problems left. She got the second to last one and she just couldn't figure it out. She started getting flustered and throwing a fit. She started hitting the ground and demanding a chocolate bar the size of an elephant, but no one was there. She then went up stairs to Miss Glenda's room and woke her up. 

She started banging on the door and then she finally stormed into the room. She went over to the bed and started yelling in front of Miss Glenda's face, to wake up. Miss Glenda woke up in a fright and almost jumped a foot out of her bed. Bethany started screaming that she wanted a chocolate bar. Miss Glenda said that she wasn't allowed to have a chocolate bar. 

She then asked what she was doing still awake. Bethany then escorted her down stairs and showed her the problem. At this point it was 2:30 and still awake, and home work not done. She showed Miss Glenda the problem and even she didn't know it. Bethany then said that whoever made this problem should have really bad diarrhea on the toilet in the bathroom and forgot to record their favorite show.  

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