Chapter 2

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This here critter has had a tough time with her chocolate addiction such as verbal assault, threats, minor injuries to other students,  thievery, major injuries to other students and pedestrians, and death to at least seven confirmed but possibly up to 70. After the about 72nd, Miss Glenda, the good witch/sandwich, decided to put her in rehab therapy. Before this they tried electric-shock therapy, hypnotism, drug therapy, and insane-asylums but none had been working. 

Right as the arrived at the rehab center, Bethany began shaking, because she hasn't had chocolate in over seven minutes. Miss Glenda helped her into the center while Senor Aardvark tried to find a parking spot. He was unsuccessful for a while because Miss Susan  was chatting to some of her friends. Glenda rushed Bethany in as fast as she could but the place was packed with random citizens of the Unicorn Nation (UN). These were people Bethany could relate too and spoke their language. The being Cornease of coarse. She saw a few people that she knew but Glenda wouldn't stop. 

They finally got her into a room, and the tied her down to the bed so she couldn't break anything or hurt anyone. The doctor came in and his name was  Dr. Jackson Lee, who had was a ginger with endless freckles. He examined Bethany and then started the therapy. He asked her all sorts of questions such as when it started, where, why, and what they were trying to cure. After they answered each, 4.7 years ago, at Vanilla world, she ate too much strawberry ice cream, and so she wasn't as addicted to chocolate. 

He then asked said that a straight jacket would be the best cure combined with coffee pills and closing her knees at the doctors. He then said you are free to go but first i have one last question, do you have a critter-friend? She then started blushing and said maybe. 

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