What the hell did I do?!?!

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Hey everyone!! I would like to thank everyone for their amazing comments and saying such nice things. I did get a comment telling me to add more detail so I'm going to try my best :3. So lets go ahead and get started with this part


Norway ran up the wooden staircase and down the long hallway to his bedroom closing the door behind him. He leaned his back against the wooden door sliding down onto the floor. 'What the hell was that?' He thought covering his burning red face with his cold hands.

Many thoughts flew through his head. Each thought about what happened. Each thought questioning what he did. Thoughts like 'Why?' Such a simple question yet he does not know how to answer it. Why had he kissed the guy that annoys him so much? It just made no sense. Maybe it was the effects of his stupid curl being pulled. That small floating curl that had no purpose to him. Yeah that had to be it. That had to be why. All that damn curl did was cause trouble.....that's all.

Norway sighed bringing his knees to meet his chest. He wrapped his slender arms around his legs and laid his head down on his knees with a sigh. He then thought....what if he did it because of a different reason. A reason that would never cross his mind. A reason that he would never think of.

Maybe.....maybe he kissed him...because he likes him. Norway's cheeks turned a glowing red as he groaned.

"No....that can't be why.......I hate him." He whispered to himself with a small growl. That reason should have never entered his brain. That could never happen. Him liking that idiot! How dumb! How dumb of himself for thinking of it.....

"But...." He muttered quietly as he reached a hand up. He lightly brushed his fingertips against his lips. "...why didn't it feel....weird? Why did it...feel...nice?" He asked himself. His eyes widened slightly. He quickly moved his hand away. 'What the hell am I doing? What the hell am I saying?' He thought causing a frown to appear. He shouldn't be saying these things.

Norway groaned as he smacked his head. "Stupid brain...." He said quietly. He sighed lifting his head up. He glanced around his room looking for something to take his mind off of the events before. Just something. Anything. He looked over to his bed. Beside stood a wooden nightstand with a blue lamp sitting on top of it along with the book he was reading last night. A small smile tugged on his lips.

He stood up from the floor and slowly walked over to the book. He picked up the hard covered book as he sat on the purple sheets of his bed. He opened the book to the page he last read and started to read. He turned a little and laid back onto his pillow continuing to read. Reading always made him feel better. Especially when he was in a safe quiet place. When he would read, it would help him forget about the bad things that happened....sometimes. It would send him somewhere else. Somewhere where right for him. Somewhere quiet. Somewhere he can be himself and be alone.

He smiled a little reading the words telling the wonderful story. Such good description. Describing every little detail greatly. He loved that. He loved how books described everything. From a single tree to an entire city. Maybe even greater. He just loved it.

Though he loved that and the book, it was coming to an end. As he read each paragraph, something caught his eyes. It was something that was happening between two characters. Something that seemed familiar.

' 'How could this happen? How could a great queen like me fall in love with such an idiotic knight? Someone that can't even do a simple thing right! This could never work out...someone so smart and quiet yet so powerful like me falling in love with a idiotic fool like him. We have nothing in common at all. But why does my heart beat rapidly every time I see him. Talk to him. It makes no sense. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him!' The beautiful queen leans back on her golden throne. She rubs her temples as the sound of footsteps enters her ears. Heavy footsteps and metal clanking with every steps. The woman's heart began to beat rapidly knowing who this was. She breathed out a sigh as the footsteps stopped in front of the throne. The queen looked down at the armored knight as he kneeled on the red carpet. Her face showing no emotion except for the pink tint in her cheeks. Why did she feel nervous all of a sudden? The man she had fallen in love with was in front of her. Kneeling as though to propose. That wasn't the case though. The knight removed his helmet revealing his spiky blonde hair. He looked up at the queen as a big goofy smile shown on his lips. The qu-'

The Curl ProblemOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant