Sorry but Plz Understand

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Hey guys! Yes I know I haven't updated. Believe me I feel terrible about it but please understand that I have things going on in my personal life. Such as school and family stuff

I have been able to add in sentences here and there in the next chapter but nothing big. I'm deeply sorry for this I really am. No I'm not ending it but to be honest this was actually only supposed to be a one chapter one shot but I decided to make it into a longer story.

I'm trying my best to finish up the next chapter but with testing at school coming up it's a bit difficult. Especially since I've been stressing out about so many different things so again I'm sorry.

Also I would like to say that I appreciate all your comments. I enjoy reading every single one of them. But I did notice a comment saying the person was loosing hope or something like that about me updating I think. Please understand that I will update. It just takes time for me since I have so much stuff going on.

I'm actually excited for the next chapter. The reason being I switched things up a bit...hehehe. (It's from a different point of view) But to be honest I think some won't be too happy....I don't know why but I just have a feeling

Well that's all I have to say I guess....If any of you wonderful people have any questions or anything just message me. ^-^ Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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