Date Night

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It was about noon by the time I walked home. Luckily, Angel didn't decide to come searching for me. I'm surprised that I haven't heard sirens driving towards his house. Maybe his neighbors ignore him? Or maybe they pretend to not notice the indecent screaming? 

I wonder if they have even noticed the odd things about their neighbor.

I decided to walk back to my apartment and get my car before I picked up Jane and Clover. I'll have to explain to the girls in an honest manner who Nick is. I don't want them to think they can trust him.

Maybe I shouldn't be too blunt about it...? No. Very blunt, in fact, if they seem him again, they need to call the police.

I contemplate my next move while waiting outside of the school yard for Clover and Jane.
Clover's giant yellow and blue striped sweater wandered through the gate, luckily she was already walking with Jane.

And by walking, I mean that Jane was dragging Clover to the car.

As they both climbed into the back seat, Jane already began asking questions about my "boyfriend".

I resist the urge to face plant into the steering wheel as I pull away from the school and take them home.

I explain to them that Angel is an old friend of mine who turned into a jerk. And that if they see him that they should call me and stay away from him. If he talks to you, call the police. 

They nod and don't seem bothered by it too much. I hope... I'm sorry if I'm putting you guys in an awkward position.

Once we're home, I get a text from Tyler.

Don't forget our 'deal'.

I check the Time, 2:20.

I go and Change into a pale blue retro dress with a sweetheart neckline and some white slippers.

As I check myself in the mirror, I spot Clover behind me. "You seem..." She starts, and looks for the right word, "happy." She says finally.

I look at the young girl behind me and find myself frowning.

Am I actually getting caught up in this?

I try to shrug off the feeling, it's a deal after all. Besides, This will be a positive thing to experience after dealing with Angel. I do believe in maintaining my mental heath, this is a positive, refreshing thing. Easy evening after work. 

After saying goodbye to the girls, I head to the bar to meet Tyler in the back. He acts surprised to see me dressed up.

"Its a date, isn't it? " I clarify.

He puts his hands up defensively, "Yes! I-its definitely a... date." He replies awkwardly. He scratches the back of his head before opening the passenger door for me and helping me in.

Once he turns on the car, he tries to reveal his evening plans, he seems nervous. "So... I was thinking that we could go mini golfing and then get dinner." He says as we pull out of the driveway.

I glance out the window and notice a gun shell on the sidewalk.

I clear my throat, "Tyler, I'm honestly not interested in this cheesy date crap." I watch for his reaction, and I expect him to be disappointed.

He proves me wrong by smiling. He gets onto main street and makes a left rather then a right.
"Miniature golf is behind us." I remind him.

His smile and single hand on the wheel makes him look smug.

I take a deep breath and try to keep myself from asking questions. He's probably laughing at me because of how much he knows I'll torture myself over a question.

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