Dinner for two? - Theo Pov.

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As I arrive on set I can see Zoe and Shai lounging in the grass talking to Miles. He has his arm around Shai's shoulders and his legs tangled over Zoe's. I walk into the make up trailer and wait patiently for Jane to apply fours tattoos. She smiles over Ansel's head at me as she finishes applying the face bruises and blood to his head and neck.

"Just one more minute, and il be all yours" she winks at me playfully.  I can't help my smile back as I lean forward to look at her  "until then I guess I just have to be happy with the view",  I hear a gasp and watch as she notices her top button has come undone and shows some of her cleavage. "Oh your so naughty" she gasps with a laugh "if only I was 20 years younger you'd be in trouble".

I really like Jane. She has a dark witty humour and is a shameless flirt. Her arms and back are covered with tattoos and looks like she could cause you a serious injury but she's a gentle soul.
"There you go love all good" she taps Ansel on the head to signal he's finished.  Once Ansel leave the main chair I remove my shirt and take my place. As Jane applies the tattoo templates we talk.  "So I hear Zoe got you all to head to Krazies last night. Sounds like a good time was had by all".
"Yeah it was something else". I smile and tell her about Ansel dancing and grinding on unsuspecting women in the crowd and Miles interpretation of Jerry Lee Lewis. I deliberately leave out a description of Shai's rousing performance. "Then fucken Ansel made me sing Cream!" I exclaim. 
"Well from what I hear you were a sight to behold. All sex and swagger on the stage. I'm sorry I missed it. Ok Hun your all done, you know the rules no shirt or touching for 10 minutes to let it set. Feel free to stay here for me to ogle till then if you like." 

I start to stand with my shirt in my hand. I lean down and kiss her cheek "thanks but I've got to collect some stuff from my trailer before filming".  I walk out the door and down the steps as Zoe walks towards the trailer for her turn in the chair. She waves at me and enters the trailer. I arrived at my trailer quickly and search for my hidden Cheetos and cigarettes.

I like to keep a secret stash just in case of mornings like this where I am ravenous and need a snack before the catering staff set up.
I am searching for the cigarette packet I know I put in here when the shelf I'm standing on snaps in half and I end up on my back looking up at Shailene.
"Hi, whatcha doing?" She asks with a look of worry on her face.
"Hi, I'm just checking the roof for cracks. You can never be too careful you know. I could be asleep one day and then the roof might cave in on me. It pays to be vigilant little one." I reply with a serious tone of voice and a deadpan face. 

"Right I see. Well if you can put that on hold, we are wanted on set." As I stand up and we walk to the set Shai starts humming.
It takes me a little while but I finally work out the song.  W look at her and see a smile in her eyes but a scowl on her face.
"God damn it. Fucking ass sucking song!" She curses.  I break out into laughter and start singing the lyrics.
"Don't Cha  wish your girlfriend was hot like me, don't Cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me". As I sing I start to wiggle my hips and goofily dance around Shai. I stop in front of her facing away and bend so my butt sticks into her and start shaking it. I look back at her and see the smile takeover her face. Before I realise her plan she jumps on my back and squeals in glee.
I grab her legs to steady her and skip the rest of the way to where the crew and director is standing.
As I place her down the director hands us a sheet of paper each. "Ok guys this is the schedule for this week of filming.  Here's the shoot schedule and the dates you need to keep available for some promos and photo shoots. As we only have a month left of shooting I've added the dates you will need to keep free after we have wrapped. As you can see you will also have to remain locally for about a month after we wrap for any re shoots or sound stuff we need to do.  Other than that please don't make any physical changes until we give the all clear. Ok today we are needing a few more building climbing shots and then later on we will be shooting some of the extras back ground shots so you guys can have an early finish. Ok go over and join the others as get set up. Thanks guys". I read over this schedule on my way to get the harness. 
"Wow not long to go now. It's gone so fast. 5 years has flown by". It's a surreal dealing that I won't be spending so much time with this cast soon. 
I see Shai's face flicker with sadness but she quickly recovers. "Yeah it has. What a great journey hey. We're all going off to do other projects and it will be great." 
I greet the others and step into my harness. This thing is so uncomfortable and restrictive. I'm glad it's the last time we have to use them and extremely happy we won't be in them anywhere as long as the last time we used them when we filmed allegiant. 
After two hours we are done and can break for lunch.  I walk to the catering tent and am greeted by my favourite sight. The tables are groaning under the weight off all the food. I grab a plate and pile it with food. I'm sitting down eating when Shai comes to join me.
She has a small plate filled with fruits. And a small bowl with tomato soup. "Wow Theo not very hungry yet huh?" She asks her voice dripping with sarcasm. 
I just smile and continue eating.  "Hey are you free tonight to rehearse a little. I want to really get the emotion right for the scene tomorrow?" I ask in between mouthfuls.  It takes a second for her to catch on which scene I refer to.  Tomorrow we are scheduled to film the showers and the last love scenes.  As the scenes require us to be minimally clothed are are shot in a closed session. Only the director, the cameramen and the makeup people will be here. 
She blushes slightly and replies "sure. How about you come round about 5 and il cook something. I'm tired of eating out or having takeaway every night".
"Sure. I want to get a run in and I have a sparring session after we finish today so that works well. See you then ". I walk over and place my plate in the bin and walk back to my trailer to change before we are called back for afternoon shoots.

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