Breakfast - Shai Pov

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I wake up face to face with Theo's back. I'm confused for a moment before memories of last night resurface. The room is quiet as Theo isn't snoring and the only sound is the tick from the clock on the wall. I stretch out my legs and the blankets glide over my bare skin. I smile as I stretch out and take note of the soreness in my body.
Theo mumbles in his sleep something that sounds like Jaxon, and curls his legs up tugging the blanket tighter around him. I roll over and gently wrap my arm around him feeling his chest rise and fall with each breath. I lay pressed against him and rest my hand over his blanket covered chest. Last night was amazing. Theo does things to my body that no one else has before. It's like he can read my mind and act before I know what I'm wanting. I think about the way my stomach knots and flips when he kisses me and how just being near him makes me smile and feel lighter.
I'm brought crashing from my thoughts as my alarm blares from the side of my bed. I startle and attempt to turn it off quickly failing miserably. Theo jerks awake at the sound and rolls on to his back groaning. I watch as he runs one hand down over his chest and the arm closest to me flings out and pulls me to him. I land with my chest on his and my chin hits his cheek.
Theo groans and I kiss his cheek in the same spot my chin made contact with. Theo smiles and I place another kiss on his check before rolling away from him and laying flat on my back. Theo turns and leans on his elbow looking down at me. He leans forward and places a soft kiss on my lips.
"Good morning, how did you sleep? I hope I didn't steal the blankets from you" he says his voice still heavy with sleep. I shake my head slightly gazing into his eyes.
"Good morning. I slept amazingly. You radiate heat well, I wasn't cold at all. I'm hungry now so I'm going to shower then head down I bathe market to get us some stuff for breakfast if you can hang around. If you want a shower I've got some of your clothes here still" I tell him leaning up on my elbows. The blanket slides from me leaving my chest bare. Theo's eyes immediately dip and take in the sight. He makes no move just grins slightly before looking back at my face. I twist and step out of the bed completely naked and walk over the bathroom.
"God damn it Shailene. Don't do that" Theo groans as I bend to pick up the towel, that is now on the floor by the bathroom door. I smile and giggle softly. I enter the bathroom and turn on the shower.
"You know you could always join me. There's a spot on my back I just can't reach" I call out coyly. I step into the water and sigh as the hot water hits my skin. I bend to pick up the bottle of body wash off the floor and hear Theo once again.
"I just told you not to do that. Are you trying to make things hard for me?" He groans for behind me. He stands in all his naked glory in the shower door way and I rake my eyes over him appreciatively. He steps in behind me and all of a sudden the shower seems a lot smaller. His hands go straight to my hips and I use the body wash to clean my skin. He holds me steady as I lift one leg then the other repeating the process. I lean against him briefly as I wash the soap from my skin before bending once more to switch out the body wash for my shampoo. As I bend my butt presses against Theo and his hands tighten against my hips. I stand up right and begin to later up the shampoo in my hair. Theo's hands leave my skin but replace themselves in my hair, softly massaging my scalp. I reach behind me and hold on to Theo's legs. His muscles tense slightly before relaxing under my hands.
He dips his head and places a quick kiss on my collar bone and I sigh.
This is real intimacy. I think about the perception of intimacy and they way people perceive sex to be the highest form of intimacy. Theo rinses my hair off and I turn to face him.
"Thank you. Your turn" I say lifting my soap covered hands to his hair. I rub my hands through his curly locks and watch his face. Theo has his eyes closed and his head tilted slightly back so the soap suds slide back down his neck and back. As I continue to rub his head he uses the soap to cleanse his body.
I exit the shower cubical to allow Theo to finish off in his own time and wrap my self in the towel.
I dress quickly in some jeans and one of Theo's shirts. I pull on some casual shoes and a jacket. I grab some cash, from my purse and my keys and head to the door.
"Il be back with breakfast and coffee. Take your time!" I call to Theo before pulling the door shut behind me. I pull my hair back into a simple loose ponytail and pull Theo's beanie over my head. I'm lucky to be so close to a fantastic whole foods deli that serve great breakfast rolls and organic coffee. I order us each a large coffee and full breakfast  for Theo and a breakfast wrap for myself. I eat on the way back and I'm back in the hotel room again within 20 minutes. I walk into the bedroom and find Theo wrapped in a towel laying face down on the bed. His eyes are closed and he's breathing steady. He's fallen back to sleep. I place the food and drinks on the bed side draw and sit on the edge next to him.
"Theo, wake up" I say softly gently rubbing his back with my fingertips. That doesn't work at all. This time I speak louder. "Theo come on wake up", he mumbles softly and turn his head away from me. Ok fine. I stand looking down at him and yell, "Theodore! Get up now!".
"What, what?" He jerks off the bed and looks straight at me with wide eyes. I smirk at him and sit down next to him after grabbing he food and drinks.
"Here. Breakfast" I say softly passing him his coffee and wrapped plate. He takes the plate and coffee taking a large gulp before placing the coffee back down on the side table so he can eat.
"Thanks love. Um, I couldn't find my clothes and didn't want to rifle through all your stuff" he explains why he's still only wearing the towel. He begins eating with gusto and I chuckle softly as I watch him devour the food like he's been starving and it's the first food he's eaten in months.
"Il get them. You eat, please just don't choke. Once I've finished this", I say indicating my coffee, "il have to go, I've got a 10 start today" I say pulling Theo his clothes out of the draw next to the bed. I drop the clothing on the bed and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
"Ok well il come with you if that ok. I took a cab last night and I've got to be there for a training session at 1030". He calls to me from the bedroom. After I brush my teeth I lay out a spare toothbrush on the vanity for Theo and walk back into the bedroom. I stop short when I'm greeted by the sight of Theo's bare butt as he pulls his pants up his legs. I whistle and smile as Theo turns his head back towards me pulling the pants over his butt.
"I left a tooth brush on the bench for you. I've just got to grab my bag and I'm good to go" I tell him. Theo nods and pulls his shirt over his head and arms and walks briskly to the bathroom. I grab my phone, keys and wallet and place them back into my bag and wait as Theo finishes brushing his teeth. He walks towards me smiling his easy smile and grabs his shoes from the floor and places his keys wallet and phone into his pockets. He opens the door for us and holds it as I walk out.

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