Girlfriend - Shai Pov

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I stand on stage holding the microphone in my hands and take a few deep breaths. I hear Zoe cat call and Miles whistles loudly. I glance over at the table and notice they are all on their feet waiting for the song to start. I nod my head at the host and he starts the music.
I start to dance as the song begins and I let the back up singers start the song. As the verse starts I feel a smile spread over my face and I sing the lyrics with gusto. I actively avoid looking at Theo. Instead I look over the whole crowd and notice a few people dance along with me, including Zoe and Miles. Ansel just claps and smiles trying hard to cover his giggles. As the song hits the first chorus I am really into it and up the anti by adding more attitude into my dance moves. I sway my hips and shake my hair around. The song continues like this and by the next chorus some of the crowd are singing along.
I get to the last verse and my eyes drift over to our group of misfits again. This time I'm drawn to look at Theo. He's grooving to the music and clapping along. He's smiling a goofy smirk and I watch as he notices me look directly at him. A slight blush creeps up his neck and the tips of his ears turn red. He covers it well by taking another sip of his drink. I finish the song and the crowd cheers and I dance my way back to our table. Zoe hugs me laughing and Miles says something to Theo that I don't catch.
"Wow nice song" Miles tells me, smiling as he drinks.
"Yeah Zoe! Nice song!" I say sarcastically to her. She smiles and shrugs.
"Can you tell me that song doesn't make you feel happy. Can you honestly say you didn't enjoy singing it?" She asks me accusingly. I shrug and smile at her before taking a sip of my beer. Ansel returns from the bar with another pitcher and complements my song.
"Awesome job Shai. But I'm sorry I already have a girlfriend. And she's not stupid" he lectures me jokingly. I kiss his cheek and sigh.
"Damn. Can't blame a girl for trying! Guess il just have to settle for more alcohol" I say pouring us each another cup. I sit and look around noticing Theo's missing from our table.
"Don't worry Hun. He didn't miss the subtlety that is my brilliance. He said he wanted to change his song" Zoe tells me quietly as Miles and Ansel talk about their next plans.
"Did you really have to make it so obvious, what you think? Couldn't have been more subtle?" I ask feeling the heat from my face radiate. I slink back into my chair and drink slowly. I watch Theo make his way back to our table through the crowd and smile shyly at him.
"Great job Shailene. I can't help but think what you would have chosen instead. Not that that wasn't great, but we're curious?" He says motioning to himself and Miles.
I shrug. "Uhm, I was leaning towards Happy by Pharrell Williams. I'm always happy when you guys are around so it seemed logical. Not sure it would have had the effect that did, but you get that". I tell him taking another drink to hide my cheeks blushing.
Theo nods slowly and smiles a fake smile. The conversation slowly turns to the wrap party and Christmas plans. Theo is called to the stage and he makes his way confidently through the crowd. I stare at his back and shoulders as he walks mesmerised by the muscle movements.
Theo takes the microphone in his left hand and runs the right through his hair. He looks up and it feels like he looks right into my eyes. He doesn't say anything before the music starts and I'm not sure what the song is.
Ansel immediately knows the song and he smiles and laughs out loud. I look at him, silently asking why the reaction and I notice I'm not the only one. Zoe and Miles are staring at him waiting for his answer.
"It was always you, Maroon 5" he tells us quietly. Zoe gasps and looks directly at me. I don't understand her reaction and it seems neither does Miles. We shrug at them and then I turn my attention to the stage. Theo starts to sing and I'm lost in the sound of his voice. I'm dancing and not particularly paying attention to the lyrics until he gets to the bridge. I stop dancing at watch him as he sings. His eyes are closed and he moves only slightly swaying in time with the beat.
"Hazel eyes, I was so color blind
We were just wasting time
For my whole life
We never crossed the line
Only friends in my mind
But now I realised,
It was always you
Can't believe I could not see it all this time,
all this time
It was always you
Now I know why my heart wasn't satisfied, satisfied
It was always youu
No more guessing who
Looking back now I know it was always you always you" he sings.
My heart begins to race in my chest. Wait, is this about me? No it can't be. I'm not normally a conceded person but here I am questing if he's singing about me. All because I'm crazy about him and I've got hazel eyes. I smile at my teenage girl thoughts and just decide to enjoy his voice. I don't notice but my body has stopped all movement and I'm standing and gaping at him like a stunned fish.
Theo is too private a person to do this. He must just like this song. I have to force myself to move. I can't stand here looking like I just got shock therapy.
Move damn it! I tell myself. Before I know it I'm sitting at the table sculling the rest of my drink. When it's finished I hear the crowd roar and it's only then I notice Theo's stopped singing. I force myself to smile and cheer along with them. The crowd cheer like crazy and submerge towards the stage making it difficult for Theo to make his way back to us. The room all of a sudden feels hot and heavy and slowly begins to feel smaller. It's possibly the thought that Theo is singing to me but It might have more to do with the lack of food in my stomach and the vast amount of alcohol in my system. I need fresh air.
Zoe, Miles and Ansel all catcall and whistle loudly. I grab my bag and walk outside with out them noticing. It's easy to leave a room when no one is paying attention. I take a few deep breaths and force myself to calm down. My pulse slows and I can feel the heat begin to leave my skin. The air outside is cold and it's not long before my breath leaves my body in white puffs of frost. My head stops pounding and I don't feel so inebriated. 
"Hey are you ok? I turned around and you were gone?" Zoe asks, standing behind me.
I turn quicker than i mean to and slip. The ground is luckily covered with fresh snow so it has some padding. However now my ass and back are wet.
"Hey. Yeah I just needed some fresh air. The beer was getting to me. I only got to eat a burger today" I say the first thing that comes to my mind, looking up at her from my soggy and cold spot on the ground. She helps me from the ground and I wipe the snow from my pants and back.
"Damn it. Can you let them know I'm headed home. I want to get out of these wet clothes before I get sick" I say grabbing my bag from the ground. She nods and hugs me.
"Il miss you. Call me when your free ok? See you in a few weeks. Give Miles a hug from me. Love you all. Bye" I say hugging her tightly. Zoe doesn't talk, she just nods and hugs me back tightly. We break apart and I turn to walk away.
"Hey Zoe, tell Theo he was awesome. Bye!" I call over my shoulder and wave at her. She waves at me quickly before running back into the club.

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